Fights in the morning

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Bryson tried walking into the house but you pushed him back.

"Why are you here?" You said with an attitude.

"Y/n just lemme talk to you." Bryson took a step back from the door and looked you in the eyes.

You knew Eren was coming because you heard the sound of his car door slamming.

"Can you just go?"

"What the fuck!" You heard Eren shout.

You looked past Bryson to see Eren storm towards the door. Bryson turned around just to be met with the sight of your angry boyfriend.

"You still fucking with that nigga?" Bryson laughed.

"That nigga is my boyfriend, so leave." You asked him once again to leave.

"Nah it seems like white boy has something to say." He stepped closer to Eren as he was walking up.

"Get the fuck out my face!" Eren aggressively said in Brysons face.

"Listen pretty boy you walked into mine." Bryson pushed Eren back.

Without hesitation Eren punched Bryson in his face causing a full on fight to break out. Eren was dodging hits from Bryson and swinging. The hits connected but Bryson ate them, he was still standing putting up a fight.

At this point some neighbors were outside on their phones calling the cops. You didn't want anyone to get arrested so your only choice was to break up the fight.

You slowly approached the boys telling them to stop. There was a lot of blood on the sidewalk you tried not to get any on your bare feet.

"Bryson go!" You yelled loudly.

"I'm not leaving until your pussy ass boyfriend is knocked out!" He yelled back.

"Y/n! Just let them fight!" Dylan shouted from the door.

You ignored her and kept getting closer. It seemed like they were getting tired of hitting each other. You took that opportunity to get in the middle risking getting hit by one of their punches.

"Move!" Eren put his bloody hands on your shoulders and tried moving you.

You kept getting back in the middle of them not letting either of them get a hit in. This was risky because if either of them decided to swing again you would be on the ground instantly.

The familiar sounds of sirens echoed through the air. The cops weren't too far from the house.

"He's not even worth it." Bryson dropped his fists. "I'll call you later y/n." He laughed and started walking towards his car.

"You running?" Eren asked still ready to fight.

"Calm down!" You grabbed his hand and tried pulling him towards your house before the cops got there.

Bryson got in his car and sped off, you brought Eren inside the house and walked him towards your room He was still heated and so we're you.

"What the fuck y/n! You call him over because I don't answer your texts? Huh?" Eren started screaming once you got into your room and closed the door.

You stood near the door as he continued to yell about Bryson being at your house.

"You not gonna say anything? You just gonna look at me with that dumb fucking face?" He got closer to you.

"Eren-" you tried softly talking to calm him.

"Bryson? Seriously!" He cut you off.

"Eren he just came here! I didn't invite him!" You raised your voice.

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