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Today was the day y'all were going to Vermont to spend Christmas with Zeke and his girlfriend. Y'all would be spending a whole week with them. Your flight was at 7am so you woke up at 3 just to have enough time to meet up with Eren and get your bags checked.

You and Dylan took an Uber, the boys got there before y'all.

"Eren stop calling me, I'm coming." You answered the FaceTime call just to hang up after your sentence.

"He's so clingy." Dylan laughed.

"It's gotten really bad after thanksgiving he just won't leave me alone."

"And you two aren't dating yet?"

"Nope." You popped the P.

"Y/n ask him out."

"No that's his job."

"Y'all been talking for how long now? Bitch ask him!"

"No can do." You shook your head.

Dylan kept talking about the gifts she bought Connie and the ones she was going to buy when y'all got to Vermont. You bought Eren a few things but you weren't taking them so you had to buy somethings when y'all got there.

As you approached the gate you were hugged by someone. By the scent you already knew who it was.

"Eren!" You quickly turned around  to kiss him.

No matter how clingy he was or how much he annoyed you, you got excited everytime you saw him. The biggest smile was on your face because you haven't seen him in a week due to his job. You had a week of relaxation with your...

Eren said grabbed your carry on and took you abd Dylan to where Armin and Connie were sitting. Dylan sat on Connie even though there were so many seats open. Armin was asleep in the chair, his hat covering his face. You and Eren sat next to each other, he bought you breakfast but forgot to give you a drink.

"You want my orange juice? I drank off the straw already." He said while holding up the drink.

"Yeah, it's fine." You started sipping it not worrying about cleaning the straw.

Your flight was about to board soon. Armin was still asleep, Dylan and Connie were practically fucking in the chair. Eren got up to use the bathroom and weirdly he left his phone with you. It kept buzzing and you were trying to see what it was but soon someone started calling him.

*incoming FaceTime call from Lizzie*

'Why the fuck is she calling him at 6:45 in the morning?'

You answered the call but left the camera at the ceiling.

"Prince, Jocelyn and I bought you a gift I think you might like." She was in her car and she had a huge smirk on her face.

You just hung up the phone not wanting to cause a scene over this girl. You had a few questions for Eren when he got back. A few minutes went by and he came back.


"What?" He kept looking at his phone.

"How does Jocelyn and Lizzie know each other?"

You saw Dylan and Connie stop what they were doing and look to you. Armin was starting to wake up and he was even looking.

"They're friends." He said just loud enough for you to hear.

"Did you fuck Lizzie?"

"What?" He turned to look at you.

"I just wanna know, be honest."


Armin started coughing and choking on his water. You knew that was him telling you Eren is lying.

"I just said be honest and you sit there and lie."

"Okay, I fucked her a couple times." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah and y'all just friends." You did air quotes on just friends. "Did you for get the with benefits part?"

"Can we not do this right now?"

"Eren just tell her everything." Armin said.

"What is everything?" You looked at Armin.

"Mind your fucking business Armin."

"Eren I swear to god-"

"I'm gonna tell you, just don't make a scene."

"Okay go ahead, speak."

"Lizzie is Jocelyn's best friend and I would fuck her behind Jocelyn's back."

"You're disgusting."

"I'm not like that anymore-"

"Was Lizzie or Jocelyn in that no face no case picture?"

"Lizzie." He sighed.

"Just friends." You mocked him once again.


"You get to talk to the bitches you fucked but I can't speak to my best friend."

"Ex! Ex best friend!"

"Doesn't fucking matter." You rolled your eyes.

"I think y'all should calm down. Y/n come with me to get some chips." Armin got up.

"Okay." You got up and followed Armin to the little shop.

"I'm sorry for that. I should've just stayed out of it.

"No it's fine, I deserve to know everything. That is everything right?"

"Umm... I guess, yeah. Mhm!"

That wasn't very convincing. Armin was loyal to his long time best friend so he didn't want to say too much because it wasn't his place. You could only respect his loyalty and move on.

"Do you like the snow?" Armin broke the silence.

"Kinda, it's fun to play in but not for too long."

"I can make the perfect snow man."

"Really? You're gonna have to teach me how to make one." You smiled.

The shop wasn't that far from the gate so You heard the announcer calling for your flight to board. Y'all were nearing the front of the line but it was moving incredibly slow.

You and Armin decided to leave, he put his snacks back and y'all ran back to the gate. Eren was holding your things waiting for you. He handed you your ticket and continued to hold your bag.

"Thank you." You said out of breath.

"No problem shorty."

Authors note:
Sorry for not updating(and the short chapter)!! I've been busy with..stuff💀 I'm sure y'all don't wanna hear about that! Anyways I miss writing my fav toxic "couple". I was holding back this chapter for a week.😃

Ps: vote and comment :)

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