Don't be mad but

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After getting back to the cabin everyone split and went to go wrap the gifts. You were alone in the room listening to music when you got a FaceTime call from jean.

"Hey!" He said when you answered the phone.

"Wassup." You didn't really want to stay on the phone too long just in case Eren walked in.

"You busy?"

"Kinda, I'm wrapping gifts." You propped your phone up so he could see everything.

"Christmas is like 2 days away and you're still wrapping gifts?"

"Better late than never." You shrugged your shoulders.

"You're right." He chuckled A little.

The room fell to silence. You were too busy wrapping and taping everything.

"So I was thinking..." jean started.


"That night."

You knew exactly what he meant. You had already archived the picture you took with Jean, you felt bad for using jean to get to Eren.

"What about it?"

"I want to do it again."

"Jean, I..."

"Oh right you're fucking Eren, he's not worth it y/n-"

"I'm not even- Jean if I wanted to hear you tell me what I should be doing I would've called you first!" You raised your voice a little.

Picking up the phone you hung up and as soon as you did you heard foot steps, then a knock followed behind.

"Come in!"

"Y/n the food is ready." Tory opened the door.

It wasn't who you were expecting but you were glad to know the food was done.

"Alright I'll be out in a minute." You smiled and waited till she left to start cleaning up.

You got all the gifts off the bed and put them on the floor near the window. You cleaned up the messed up wrapping paper, tape and everything else and put it into a trash bag.

You were finally done so you went to wash your hands and go join everyone in the dining room. Walking out you saw Eren and you wanted to bother him a little.

"Hi Eren." You back hugged him and put your head in the crook of his neck.

"Not now y/n." He broke the hug and went to wash his hands.

His tone of voice was kinda cold which threw you off.

"What's up with him?" You asked Dylan as she was walking in.

"I don't know, maybe he got into a fight with Zeke."

"Maybe." You mumbled to yourself.

Everyone sat around the table fixing their plates. Eren didn't even talk to you, he barely looked at you.

"Eren what's wrong?" You held his hand under the table.

Everyone else was talking so nobody could hear what you were saying to him.

"Nothing." He snatched his hand back and continued eating.


"Stop y/n, just leave me alone." He whisper yelled.

Your jaw dropped and you moved your hand away from his lap. Out the corner of your eye you could see Tory, she saw what happened between you two.

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