Ending 1: Perfect

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You haven't been talking to Eren too much, you wanted him to focus on his recovery. Armin and you been having "sleepovers" at your house for months now. You knew going to his house and seeing Eren will trigger something bad. Armin kept his time with you a secret and you did the same. The only person who knew was Dylan. Occasionally she would join in and spend time with y'all but she was busy doing her own thing.

Today was one of those days. Armin was coming over with pizza and snacks. You've been thinking about the time you spent with him. He was always a gentleman and even when you did piss him off he was still respectful. The friendship boundary felt like it was slowly disappearing in a good way.

"Finally you're here I was gonna start the show without you." You opened the front door.

"I'm sorry you know how Atlanta traffic is."

"Hurry up." You rushed him inside.

Armin placed the food down on the counter. You made him wash his hands before touching anything.


"Yes?" You turned to face him.

He held his arms out with a smile on his face.

"You're such a baby." You knew exactly what he wanted...a hug.

You walked over and grabbed him. He put his arms around your lower back. Hugging was the closest you two got. Sometimes you thought about kissing him but you didn't want to ruin the progress you made.

"Am I interrupting?" Dylan's voice rang through the kitchen.

"No." You stopped hugging him and went back to fixing your plate.

"Oh no you guys can continue. Keep hugging, start kissing maybe even-"

"Dylan." Armin stopped her.

"Sorry, I'm leaving you guys can do whatever while I'm gone." She winked and left the kitchen.

"She really does ship us."

You didn't respond. It's not because you didn't want to you just didn't know what to say back.

"I'm gonna start the show, hurry up." You grabbed your plate and walked to your room.

"Did I do something wrong?" He walked in the room a few minutes after you.

"No I just wanna watch tv." You gave him a small smile.

He sat on your bed facing the tv. You two ate in silence but your mind was racing.

There was one thought you couldn't shake.

"Armin I want you." You blurted out before shoving the last piece of the pizza into your mouth.

"Y/n what are you talking about?" He was completely clueless.

"I made up my mind, I choose you."

"I still don't understand."

"You're perfect Armin. It took me some time to realize that."


"I understand if you don't wanna be with me but I just wanted to let you know I do have feelings for you." You got up to put your plate in the sink.

Armin got up and grabbed your arm pulling you back towards him. He spun you around to look you in your eyes.

"You're the perfect one." He said before kissing you.

His warm hands held onto your face keeping you in place. The passionate kiss turned into a make out session. Armin started walking backwards to your bed. You walked with him not breaking the string of kisses. He took the plate out your hand and placed it on the floor. Then he sat down and pulled you onto his lap. His hands slid up the sides of your thighs then to your hips.

You started slow grinding on his lap trying to make him hard. Not long after you began, you could feel it underneath you. He grabbed the sides of your shirt pulling it up and taking it off of you. The kiss was broken giving you two time to take a breath.

His eyes met yours once more. He smiled and you started giggling.

"You won't be giggling for long." He grabbed you and threw you on the bed.

"Oh really?" You teased him.

He smirked then took off his shirt. Soon after he was on top of you kissing you. These kisses weren't ones that contained tenderness, these were rough and demanding. His usual slow and playful approach is absent and as a replacement he's kissing you with such aggression that had you feeling light headed and your vision fuzzy.

A small moan escaped your lips as he began touching more of your body. He wasted no time taking off ever piece of clothing keeping him from you. Nothing was in the way, his and your clothes were thrown on your floor. You thought he was going to skip the foreplay and go right to the good bit but knowing Armin he had to please you.

The intoxicating smell and how wet it looked made it hard for Armin to take it slow like he planned to. You bit your lip when you felt his mouth on your pussy. With every lick, suck and slurp you wanted nothing more than for him to just fuck you.

You grab his hair and pull his head out from in between your legs. You simply give him a needy look and he got the memo.

He put it inside making you gasp. He smiled when he heard you. Thrust after thrust each one getting harder and deeper than the last.

His eyes met with yours and you could see how much he was enjoying it.

He slowly slid back out of you again. Your body tenses slightly, expecting another hard, deep thrust. Instead he wanted you to get on top of him. He put his back against the wall as you held onto his shoulders.

He guided you onto his dick. Not needing his help you took over and started bouncing up and down. You started kissing him as you rocked back and forth. Out of breath from all your movement you broke the kiss to get hair.

His panting turned you on even more. Soon enough, your breathing became more erratic and shorter as feels of your climax approaching. Leading Armin to grab your hips because he desperately wants to make you cum when he does.

You both hit your peak and your moans were filling the room. His low groans played in your ears as you placed your head in the crook of his neck. Armin's death grip on your hips was released. You slowly got off of him. You were now filled with every bit of Armin's kids.

"Fuck." You took your fingers putting them inside of you trying to get it out.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine I should've got off."

The next day you bought a plan B just in case.

"So like what if it doesn't work." Armin asked when you got back in the car.

"It will , trust me."

"You took one of these before?"

"No but Dylan has and it always worked for her."

"Oh... you know I wouldn't actually mind having a kid with you."

"Maybe in 5 years I'll have your children but now, no."

"Does this mean we're together?"

"I guess so."

Authors note:
Made this while listening to The Weeknd's whole discography 😫 very fitting because this book is named 'After hours' 🤣 I'll probably come back and add to this later. Eren ending (the true ending) coming out whenever.

Anyways if this is your ending then you clearly chose Armin because you think Eren was too fucked up to go back to. Armin was there watching your relationship with Eren fail because he knew it wouldn't be long before you gave up on him.

Ps: vote and comment :)

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