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You tried your best to make sure Eren was still breathing while trying to drive without killing you both. You didn't have a drivers license and you never really learned how to drive. You obviously knew the basics and you could manage to drive a few blocks. Having all this pressure on you made you nervous.

"Y/n?" Eren weakly said.

"Yeah!" You glanced down at him.

He didn't say anything back. You looked down at him and his eyes were slightly open but he wasn't looking at anything, it looked like he was in a daze.

'What the fuck did he take!'

You almost hit someone coming out of the emergency room entrance. Getting out the car you ran inside and started yelling like a maniac trying to get them to help Eren.

"Where is he?" A nurse frantically said

You ran with her back out the entrance and to the car. Some other nurses followed and once they got to the car they pulled Him out.

"Did he take something?" One asked you.

"I-i don't know!"

"Ma'am if you two were getting high we need to know!"

"Getting high? What?"

"Yes, getting High!"

"He just smoked weed but i don't know what else could've been in there!"

The nurse had a disappointed look on her face then followed the other nurses relaying the same information. Without thinking you followed them all the way up until someone stopped you.

"You gotta move your car." It was the man from
The receptionist desk.

You started panicking because you know they were gonna call the cops if they weren't already here. You slowly walked back to the car and got in, fixing the seat to your height so you could drive properly.

You waited in the waiting room for about 30 minutes before a doctor came up to you.

"Are you Y/n?" He asked.

"Yes!" You stood up.

"Eren, he's awake and he refused to talk to me until he saw you."

'Is this really the time to be stubborn?'

You followed the doctor to Eren's room and he was watching basketball on the tv. He looked over and saw you in the door way with an angry and annoyed face.

"Why are you looking like that shorty?"

"Your lips dry as hell." You laughed then walked towards him and sat on the bed beside him.

"Oh." He started licking his lips.


"How the fuck did I end up here?" He cut you off.

"I drove you here, what the fuck did you take?"

"I didn't take anything."

You tried to look for any indication that he was lying. It was either he was a very good liar or he was telling you the truth.

"You were damn near unconscious and burning up."

"Excuse me, Mr. Yeager I have your lab reports back and ma'am someone outside would like to speak with you." The nurse said.

You told Eren you'll be back after you talk to who ever wanted to speak with you.

"Hi I'm officer Hover." A nerdy looking buff white dude in a cops uniform introduced himself.

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