Stay over

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"Fuck I'm tired." Eren yawned.

'Tired from eating me like it's your last meal.' You laughed to yourself.

"What's funny?"

"Nothing, you wanna stay over." Those words flew outta your mouth.

"You sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Don't look like that! You're not gonna fuck, i'm just offering you my bed so you don't have to drive back home tired as hell."

When you two talked about yourselves days before, he revealed he lived an hour and 30 minutes away from you. You didn't want him to drive while sleepy because that's dangerous.

"Awww you care about me." He wiped a fake tear from his eye.

"Go home." You stared at him with a blank expression.


"Okay let's go." You opened the car door.

It was about 3am and you told him to be quiet because Dylan was sleeping. Y'all snuck into your bed room and he stopped by the door. Turning on your lights you realized your room was a mess.

"Don't mind all that." You turned to him.

"You have a nice room, besides the shit on the floor." He started walking around your room picking up all your nicknacks and stuff.

"Aww is this baby y/n?" He picked up a picture from your desk.

"No that's my kid."

His smile faded and he whipped his head towards you. You were changing into pajama pants while making eye contact.

"Deadass? I mean I don't mind dating a milf."

"No! Nigga you really thought I had a baby?"

"I guess I have to put a baby in you then." He whispered the last part.

"No the fuck you're not." You heard what he said and your response made him laugh.

"Once you get this dick girl you gonna want a baby." He chuckled and sat on your bed.

"Yeah right, get off my bed with them clothes!" You pushed him.

"My fault." He started taking off his sweater to reveal a white beater and he took off his sweats.

You turned off the lights and put the tv on. You wanted something to watch before going to bed. You got under the covers and Eren did the same. You both were on opposite sides of the bed but slowly y'all got closer.

You were cuddled up on his chest with his arm wrapped around you. You were watching hoarders when you heard it.


You looked over to him and he was dead asleep. His snores were light and cute but annoying because of how close you were to him. You started examining his face.

The light from the tv gave you enough to see his perfect eyebrows and lashes. You noticed he was frowning like he was having a bad dream.

'He's so pretty when he's not talking.'

Soon you turned off the tv and drifted off to sleep still very close to Eren.

"Yo!" You heard a voice say as you were being shaken awake.

"What!" You yelled.

"Where's your bathroom?" Eren whispered close to your face.

"It's the door right next to mine" you sleepily responded to his question.

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