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"She wanna go viral, we fuckin' for hours That pussy got power, that pussy got power." Eren sang along with the Gunna song playing. You watched him rap and Bob his head along with the music.

You admired his good looks as he continued rapping. He looked over for a second and saw you looking at him. You awkwardly smiled and turned your head away.

"Whatchu looking at?" He turned to you again and lifted his eyebrow.

"Nothing." You said under your breath.

He started laughing which made you smile a little. His laughter was light hearted and soft. He sounded like a little kid.

You looked out the window and your mind started wondering. The only reason why you knew you were at the restaurant was when you felt Erens warm hand move from your thigh.

"Shit it's snowing." Eren quietly said.

You saw the pretty white snowflakes start to fall onto the car. Eren looked at his phone then you.

"Should we eat or go back? What if we get trapped?" He asked.

"If we get trapped then we'll be trapped together." You smiled but then realized how corny that line was.

"You're right, come on." He opened his door.

Eren walked over to your side and helped you out the car. The snow was getting in his hair and his surprisingly long eyelashes. Y'all held hands on the walk to the door then he opened it.

As soon as y'all walked in you were hit with the warmth of the restaurant. You stayed close to Eren as you both walked up to the receptionist. Eren said a few words to her and she said to follow her.

On the walk over to the table you started looking around. The dem lights gave it a romantic feel. There were so many couples and families there, they were all well dressed. Y'all got to the table and it was set with very expensive looking plates and silverware.

The table was near a window which faced a mountain. The combination of the sun setting, the mountains and the snow made for a great picture. You grabbed your phone and started taking pictures of the scenery.

"Send me those." Eren said while looking at the menu.

You hummed in response. The table was very silent. You remembered this was your first real date with Eren.

"Have you been here before?" You asked Eren trying to take control of the situation.

"Yeah, a couple times. I haven't been since- uh I haven't been in a while."

You noticed he changed what he was going to say but you didn't want to ask to much about it.

"Let me order for you." Eren smiled.

"I wanna order for myself."

"Trust me y/n, I know what you would like."

"Fine, but if I don't like it you have to get me something else."


The waitress came over and you let Eren do all the talking. He ended up whispering your order so you wouldn't know what you got.

"Seriously?" You tilted your head.

"It's gotta be a surprise." He chuckled.

The waitress walked away to put in the order. You started sipping on your drink while Eren talked about wanting to go home. He really didn't like this trip and you couldn't say you hated it but it wasn't the best.

"Eren?" You heard a female voice from behind you. You looked at Erens face before turning around to see a blonde haired blue eye girl.

'Who the fuck!'

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