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"Come inside." You said while taking off your seatbelt.

"What!" Eren spit out the water that was in his mouth. His face was in complete shock.

"What? I mean come inside my house, not in me." You laughed and got out the car.

"I just thought you were getting freaky and you wanted to have my baby."

"Nobody wants your baby." You got out the car and started walking to your front door.

Dylan was still with Connie at his house and Eren took you home so you could shower and get clothes. Eren wanted you to stay with him for a few days and you agreed.

"Don't touch anything while I'm in the shower." You pointed your finger at Eren as he sat on the couch.

"Okay mother." He rolled his eyes and picked up the remote for the Tv.

Walking out with your duffel bag full of your clothes and smell goods you heard Eren was on the phone.

"Yeah...okay bye." He hung up.

"Who was that?"

"My brother"

You tried remembering if he ever mentioned him and you couldn't.

"You look like you don't believe me, look." He held his phone out and the contact name said Zeke, there was a picture of him and Eren.

"Blondie." You laughed.

"He's my half brother because my dads a whore."

"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree."

"Real funny y/n." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm just playing pookie." You smiled.

" the reason why Zeke called was because he wants to invite me and everyone to his house for Christmas, but I don't wanna go."


"His girlfriend... she's a bit much."


"You wouldn't like her, trust me."

"Well I think you should go."

"If I go, you're coming with me."

You wanted to meet Eren's brother and you had nothing to do during Christmas so this was perfect. Your family wasn't really apart of  your life and you didn't want to do anything with them.

"Okay I'll go."

Eren started telling you that Zeke was planning on hosting Christmas at their cabin in the woods. Not any type of woods but the snowy woods of Vermont. He asked if you had the proper clothes to go there and living in Atlanta you didn't even have a heavy coat.

"We need to go shopping again. You wanna do it today?" He asked you.

"Where the hell are we gonna find a winter coat in Georgia?"

"They have them at dicks."

"Oh alright we can do it today then."

On the way to the store Eren called Connie and told him about Zeke's plans for Christmas. He told Eren he would meet y'all at the store because Dylan need some things for the trip too.

"Is Armin gonna invite Annie?" You asked him.

"Probably not."

"So he's just gonna be the ..." you started counting out all the people that was gonna be there "7th wheel?"

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