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Not exactly holding hands or anything, you walked close to him as y'all walked towards the chipotle. As usual he opened the door for you and allowed you to walk in first.

"Get anything you want, shorty." He looked at you.

You got in line and started ordering what you wanted, and he copied what you got. Y'all got to the register and it was someone you knew. You tried to sneak behind Eren before the person noticed you.

"Yo y/n."


They saw you.

"Hurry up." You whisper to Eren and pushed him towards the register.

He looked confused first but then realized you were uncomfortable.

"You just gonna ignore me?" He said.

"Aye man just let me pay."

"Who the fuck are you? N/n tell yo mans to back off."

"Bro leave her alone and ring up this shit."


"Gimme my food, Bryson." You rolled your eyes.

"Ight be like that then."

You didn't know why he was acting like that. You haven't seen him in months. Eren got the bag and handed you a cup for your drink. You quickly got your drink and left the restaurant.

Eren couldn't even keep up with you. He could tell you were upset because you stormed away. You didn't want to ruin your 'date' over someone not worth your time. Eren unlocked the car and you got in and sat there. Soon after Eren got in too, out the corner of your eye it looked like he wanted to say something to you.

"Here." He handed you the bag.

"Thanks." You whispered.

The silence was killing you. You felt bad for not explaining what just happened and who that was but you didn't feel like ruining this even more. You didn't even look at him, you just watched him out the corner of your eye.

"You good shorty?"


"You wanna talk about it?"

"No, let's just forget about that."

"Okay whatever you say. Whenever you wanna talk I'm here."

You mentally rolled your eyes because that's what everyone says and when you finally talk to them they give you the typical advice.

"So Eren, how long you been working at the rink?" You tried changing the subject.

"Wow that's the first thing you ask? Uh a couple months why?"

"Just asking."

"I sell a little on the side too" He was so serious.

"Wait like for real."

"Yeah." He took a sip of his drink.


"College park, where else?"

"You live there?"

"Hell nah." He shook his head.

"You know selling drugs isn't...nevermind."

"I know."

'Another Drug dealer, Great y/n you sure know how to pick them.'

"You don't gotta look like that. I don't be out in the streets everyday."

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