I love him

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Weeks and weeks have gone by and you have yet to contact Armin and Eren. Dylan talked to Connie about what happened between them and they were on okay terms.

"Y/n you seriously need to unblock them and talk to them." Dylan said.

"I don't know if I'm ready."

"It's been like a 2 months since you said anything to them. You told me Connie needs answers and I think Eren and Armin deserve some too."

You sighed and grabbed your phone. " I'm gonna talk to Armin first. I think that conversation is gonna be a lot easier."

"I agree, Armin is a sweetheart and whatever you say he'll understand."

You got up from the couch and walked into your room. The phone started ringing and you put it on speaker so you could hear him clearly.

"Hello? Y/n?"

"Hey Armin, I wanted to talk."

"Are you okay? I'm sorry for everything that happened."

"Yes I'm okay and You don't have to apologize. I'm sorry for leaving you there. I just needed to go."

"And that's understandable. I'm just glad you're alright."

"Yeah...so about what happened between us..."

"We don't have to talk about it. I completely understand if you still want Eren."

"I-I- um... well I do love him and after alot of thinking I still don't know what I want. I don't regret sleeping with you, I never will."

"Well that's nice to know. Just do what you feel is right. No matter what I'll be there for you."

Armin's words made you smile and it made you think about how it would be to be his girlfriend. You started daydreaming a little while on the phone.

"Y/n you still there?"

"Uh I have to go. I would love to hang out soon though."

"That can be arranged, I'll text you. Have a good day y/n."

"You too, bye." You hung up the phone and it felt like a weight was lifted off your shoulders.

'Now Eren... this is gonna be hard.' You looked through your contacts and unblocked him. Your finger hovered over the call button for a minute. You finally was able to press it and the phone started ringing.

"Y/n?" His voice rang through the phone.

"Eren.... Can we meet up?" This was a conversation you needed to do in person.

"Yeah, where?"

"South city in 2 hours?"

"Okay I'll be there."

"Okay cool cool, uh bye." You hung up.

You immediately began getting ready, pulling out clothes from your drawers and placing them on your bed. You ran to the bathroom to shower and fix your hair.



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