The rink

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"Bestieeeeee! Wake up!" Dylan came barging into your room.

Jumping up and down on your bed she tried so hard to wake you up. You opened your eyes and gave her a death glare. She immediately stopped jumping and got down.

"It's 3:30 wake up!"

"Give me 30 more minutes."

"No you take forever to get ready!"

Sighing you sat up in your bed. Dylan sat down while you checked your phone.

"That Jean dude texted me again!"

"What'd he say?"

"He asked if I wanted him to pick me up."

"To take you to the rink?"


"Are you gonna let him?"

"Hell nah I don't know that nigga."

"Get to know him."

You gave her a 'really bitch' face and she started laughing.

"He seems to want to get to know you so." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Like I said before he's not my type. We can be friends though."

"You know damn well you don't want to be friends either."

"You right."

You both busted out laughing. You got up so you could get your day started.

"Did you make food?" You asked Dylan.

"Nope." She followed you to the bathroom where you started brushing your teeth.

"Really?" You turned to look at her in the doorway.

"Yes really."

"Can you order me some food?" You started pouting.

"You lucky I owe you food." She rolled her eyes and left the bathroom.

Closing the door you started your morning skin care routine. After finishing everything in the bathroom you went to go find what you would be wearing.

'Damn maybe I should've bought clothes.'

You've been looking for clothes for the past 30 minutes. Everything was everywhere, your room was a mess.

"Foods h- damn." Dylan walked in holding a bag.

"I know, I'll clean it when I find something to wear."

"It's 4:45 and you didn't even shower or anything."

"Gimme my food and get out." You held your arms out for the food.

She smacked her lips and handed you the bag and cup with your favorite drink in it.

"Bitch we're late!" Dylan came into the bathroom.

You were flat ironing your hair and making sure that it laid flat.

"Who shows up to event when it starts?" You said while applying lip gloss.

"It started 45 minutes ago." She deadpanned.


"Hurry the fuck up i'm calling the Uber."

"I'm ready." You ran out the bathroom so you could put on some perfume.

[I tried to find outfits that wouldn't look bad with skates 💆🏾‍♀️]

[I tried to find outfits that wouldn't look bad with skates 💆🏾‍♀️]

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