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"Hey love" He held his arms out for you to hug him.

"Hi Eren." You walked past him so you could get into his car.

You heard him smack his lips and follow behind you.

"You know I don't have to take you right?"

"Nigga unlock the door."

"Why you got an attitude girl?"

"I don't have one."

His eyebrows lowered and he squinted his eyes. The corners of his mouth pointed downwards. It was clear he was annoyed with you already. He unlocked the door and took his sweet time walking to the drivers side of the car. When you got in it smelled surprisingly nice, the weed smell was gone.

'He cleaned up.'

He got in and started driving with no seatbelt. Speeding down the streets while blasting all his favorite chief keef songs.

"I give the bitch two or three blunts and that's it." Eren mumbled along with the song.

You noticed he got his ear pierced and he had a diamond ear ring in his ear.

"What happened to your tongue piercing?"

"Uh I took it out."


"It don't matter."

"I liked it." You whispered to yourself.

You asked Eren to take you to the mall because you needed more clothes now that you were leaving the house a lot more. Eren offered to buy everything and you happily accepted his offer.

Y'all pulled into the Macys parking lot at town center and you were pissed off because he parked so far from the door on purpose. Y'all held hands as y'all walked through the parking lot.

You kept looking at the perfumes in Macys and he was getting impatient. He wanted to go to jd sports to buy some new shoes.

"Just go by yourself."

"I don't wanna leave you shorty."

"Eren I'll be fined hurry up and go get your shoes."

"Mmm fine but text me if you leave from here." He handed you a couple hundreds before leaving you.

You walked around Macys picking up jewelry and perfume as you went along. None of the clothes peaked your interest so you decided to check out.

You only spent about 95 dollars of the 500 he gave you. You decided to go to the store he was at to pick out some shoes too. You found the store and you walked inside. At first you didn't see Eren but after glancing over the entire store you finally spotted him.

He was reaching for some shoes at the top, his shirt raising up as he did. Once he grabbed the shoe he handed it to a girl who was standing next to him. You didn't see her because you were focused on Eren. He handed her the shoe with a smile on his face. He said something to her which made her laugh and blush even more. She pulled out her phone and that's when you knew that's when you should interrupt.

"Hey bae, I didn't find a lot of stuff at Macys so I came here." You walked up to Eren and got infront of the girl.

"Hey shorty." He said awkwardly.

"Eren is this your girlfriend?" The girl asked.

"Um ...I mean ...she's ma girl so yeah?" He responded.

"Oh alright, see you around prince." The girl waved and walked away.

"Okay who the fuck was that? And why did she call you prince?"

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