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Y'all pulled up to a huge gate where you can see a house in the distance. Armin got out the car and walked up to the gate. He pushed it and it didn't budge.

"We're gonna have to jump." Armin said to Eren through the window.

"Jump?" You said.

"Yeah this is someone else's property and they rarely leave the gate open." Eren said while unbuckling his seat belt.

'What the fuck do these white people got me doing.' You shook your head.

Everyone got out the cars and grabbed their gear.

"Just throw the stuff over and climb over the gate." Connie said to Dylan.

She looked scared to climb the huge gate. Connie tried to calm her. You were looking in their direction so long that you didn't even notice Eren left you and he was on the other side of the gate.

"Y/n come on!" He yelled to you.

"You left me!" You rolled your eyes.

He laughed as you climbed the gate. He held his arms out so you could jump down once you were closer to the ground. You let go of the gate and he caught you.

"So you do trust me." He looked you in the eyes.

"Of course I do."

He hummed and picked up his stuff. Eventually everyone got over the gate and grabbed their stuff. Eren lead the way, y'all walked for about five minutes before reaching a hill behind the house.

"We're here." Eren smiled.

"Race you to the top." You said and took off running. You didn't really think that through because you were holding a heavy ass board.

Eren caught up pretty quickly. He beat you to the top but waited for you.

"Do you know what you're doing?" He asked as he started to put his feet into his board.

"No! Does it look like I know!"

"Oh right right." He took his feet out and started to help you put your feet in the board.

"I'm scared Eren." You looked down the hill.

"Just keep your balance and if you fall, I'll be there to help you."

Your heartbeat rapidly increased the more you looked down and by the time he finished strapping you in your hands were sweating and you were shaking.

"Don't be nervous I'll be right beside you." Eren kissed you.

You thought his words would make you more comfortable but they didn't.


You took a deep breath and nodded your head. You put the goggles over your eyes and looked down. Eren moved to the edge of the hill.


You both went off the edge. Eren was moving faster than you. You mimicked everything he did. He looked back to give you instructions.

"Bend your knees more!" He yelled.

You bend them and you started going faster. The cold wind and snow hit your face as you slid down the hill. Eren started doing small tricks as a warm up. You knew not to try anything or you will end up falling and hurting yourself.

The bottom was quickly approaching but you didn't know how to stop. Eren stopped with ease but he didn't teach you how to do that. The bottom of the hill was flat so when you got down there all the momentum kept you going. You tried doing something to stop and it just made you fall face first into the snow.

It hurt like hell. Your face was freezing and your head was pressed into the goggles. You couldn't get up because there was snow on top of you and your feet were still in the board.

Eren came running and he got the snow off and he took your feet out the board.

"You okay?" He looked concerned.

"I'm good." You rubbed your head.

"I probably should've taught you how to stop." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked, everyone rushed over to see if you were good.

"Yeah i'm okay." You got off the ground

"Eren you should've taught her everything at the top!" Connie yelled at him.

"I forgot." He awkwardly laughed.

"She could've got hurt, badly." Armin shook his head.

"Come on." He grabbed your hand.

You picked up your board and followed Eren. He got his board and stood on top of it.

"Do what I'm doing."

You got on your board facing him. He started explaining a few basic things like how to stop and go faster or slower.

"We would have to go to a resort for me to show you tricks."

You took in all the information he told you and you were ready to go try it again. On the walk up the hill you and Eren talked.

"I can't wait for you to see what I got you. Here and at home." He had a huge smile on his face.

"Eren I swear you better not have spent a lot of money."

"You're special so of course I had to splurge."

You started to think about the gifts you got him. You were starting to think they weren't enough.

Once y'all got to the top of the hill Eren helped you then got himself ready. You were feeling a lot more confident now that you actually knew what you were doing.

"You ready?" You asked excitingly.

Eren nodded, as he started to count down you looked down the hill at the white snow. As soon as he got to one you flew down the hill. This time you had more control over what you were doing.  Out the corner of your eye you could see Eren attempting tricks. He had a smile on his face so bright that it made you feel warm inside.

'Damn he's so cute.'

Authors note:
Omg don't kill me!! It's been almost a month and I'm sorry😭 my motivation to write this book said 📉 im gonna try to get back into writing but I'm not making any promises 🙂

Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments! I love y'all Fr!!💓💓

Ps: vote and comment :)

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