No plans

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Pulling up to your house Eren turned to you with a smile on his face, soon your own smile grew on yours. You don't remember smiling this much with a guy.

"I appreciate it." You unhooked your seat belt and started to get out the car.


You stopped and turned to look at him. His smile turned into an awkward one.


"Can I get your number? We ya'know didn't get to finish our challenge."

"You want my number so we can finish our challenge? That's it?" You raised an eyebrow.


What could be the harm in giving him your number? You liked his vibe and he was cute. You held out your hand for his phone. He put it in your hand and you saved your number.

"Night Eren."

"Goodnight, shorty."

Getting out the car Eren watched you as you walked to the door. He wanted to make sure you were safe before he left.

You couldn't lie, you felt all giddy inside. It's like you were a high school girl who just went on her first date. Dancing your way through the house you thought about his smile and how much you liked it.

The names he gave you were just things being added to list of reasons why you wanted to see him again. In one night this dude made you feel like going out more.

You got out the shower and saw you had a few texts, Some from Dylan but also from a unsaved number.

Thanks for the fun, love

You instantly knew who it was based off the nickname. You saved his contact as 'Eren😫❤️'.

I'll be back in the morning!
Finna get this dick😝

Tell me all the details tomorrow 😗
Have fun :)

You let Eren be left on seen because you didn't want to seem desperate or that you wanted him, even though you kinda did.

"Sooo what happened with you and ....what's his name?" Dylan said.

"Eren." You rolled your eyes.

"Yeah, Eren! So did y'all-"


"Okay then what happened? I know something happened because you're glowing!"

"When we left he punched Jean then offered me a ride home and asked for my number." You said it quickly.

"Aht aht more detail!" She clapped her hands.

You started from when Jocelyn interrupted all the way up until he dropped you off at home. Leaving no details behind you told her everything.

"Ouu I think you have a little crush on him."

"It's not a crush, he cool or whatever." You shrugged your shoulders.

[a/n: in Erens phone y/n is saved as y/n💗. The contacts will change as they get to know each other ☺️]

Eren 😫❤️
Wassup, shorty
Wyd today?

Nothing, why?

Wanna hang out?

Are you asking me out on a date??🤔

Eren 😫❤️

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