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Eren was holding onto you, his hands cuffing your thighs. Your legs were wrapped around his waist. He was spinning around and dipping you into the water. Both of y'all's child like giggles echoed throughout the room.

You guys kissed a couple more times like it was nothing. Anytime you tried to get away from him he wouldn't let you go, He was so clingy.

"Eren i think we should leave."

"You wanna go?"

"Yeah that's why I said we should leave." You rolled your eyes.

"Okay you don't gotta say it like that shorty." He let go of you.

He dropped you and you fell into the water and you weren't prepared for that. The water got all in your nose and you started coughing.

"My bad." He came over and tried to help you.

You pushed him back and started making your wait to the stairs. He hopped out the side and went to go find towels. You were still trying to get water out your nose and mouth when he finally came back.

"Sorry bout all that." He handed you a warm towel.

"Hurry up so you can take me home."

Eren pov:

"Hurry up so you can take me home."

She's mad again. If there's one thing I know how to do that's make her upset. I don't know if she wants to hear another apology but....

"Y/n I didn't mean to-"

"I know just dry off already." She said while drying her hair off.

She's angrier then before but look at her. She's so cute when she's mad.

"You want some ice cream ma?"I said trying to hold in my laugh.

"You trynna get me fat or something? And don't call me ma." She rolled her eyes.

"Something on you already fat." I smirked.

"You thought that was funny huh?"

"I'm just trynna lighten your mood."  I said while putting on my shirt.

"Stop trying." She gave me a death glare and her tone was cold.

Y/n pov:

Your hair was  dripping down your back and the smell of chlorine filled the car. He shook his head out the bun and little water droplets hit you.

"Sorry." He whispered.

"Can you turn on the heat, I'm cold."

The falling temperatures of the night made the car extremely cold and you were still wet. He turned on the heat full blast. His shirtless body was dry and you were trying to figure out how he wasn't cold. Not one goosebump on his arms.

'How did I let this man talk me into getting in a pool.'

You shivered as the cold air turned hot.

"I think I have a sweater in the back of you want it."

"Please give it to me."

He chuckled a little at your fast response then reached back into the backseat and grabbed a navy blue Nike zip up sweater. As soon as you put it on the warmth covered your entire upper body. It smelled just like him. The sweater was big on you, the sleeves were longer than your arms, it made you look small.

The sound of a phone camera and a flash surprised you. He took a picture of you wearing his sweater.

"What the fuck Eren!"

"You looked cute."

You snatched the phone out his hand and tried to delete it but he smacked your hand causing you to drop it at your feet. You looked at him and he looked at you. You both started reaching for the phone.

"Stop!" You hit his hand.

"No you stop!" He hit back.

He got the phone and you smacked his hand again and it dropped in his lap. Without thinking you reached to grab it but you grabbed something else.

"Gah fuck y/n chill." He covered his crotch.

Your eyes grew larger once you realized you missed the phone and grabbed his dick. You pulled your hand back slowly and you looked at his face. You could see the pink color on his cheeks.

"If you want it just ask." A smirk formed on his face.

"Oh shut up." You smiled.

"Lemme get you home."

"Yeah." You said awkwardly.

"You want me to pick you up on Saturday?" He asked as he pulled up to your house.

"Uh yeah, I think Dylan is going with Connie so."

"Ight love, I can't wait to see your costume."

It was Thursday and you both didn't plan on seeing each other tomorrow because he had work and you needed a break from him

[a/n: writing this I realized the days don't add up. Most of y'all probably don't care or haven't realized but there will be that one person that will say wait isn't it actually Tuesday or some shit😒 anyways pretend like it's Thursday now!]

You got in the house and saw your costume came. Hopefully you could fit it because if not you would have to find something quick. You tried it on and it fit perfectly. You were checking yourself out in the mirror when you heard your phone ding.

*Attachment 1 : image*
Aw we look like a couple ☺️

*Attachment 1: image*
Mini me😒

Eren sent you the picture of you hugging him earlier and the one with his sweater. That reminded you that you didn't give it back. Now that it's in your house, you don't plan on ever giving it back.

I'm not a mini you🙄

That picture says other wise🤷🏻‍♂️


Make me😈

Y/n 💗
Ren is this you trynna be freaky?🤔


Keep that same energy when you see me🤭

I will
You'll regret saying that😁

Yeah right💀

New contact unlocked: Mini me💘 & Big 🍆😈

Authors note:
This was so short I'm sorry🙁

Y/n and Erens relationship is going a bit too perfect I think it time to...😈

You can choose your costume next chapter!

Ps: vote and comment :)

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