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Eren carried you in from snowboarding and placed you on the bed.

"I'm gonna make a bath for you, get undressed." He softly said and walking into the bathroom.

You wonder why he was being so sweet but you figured it was because Christmas was tomorrow and he's just being nice. You started taking off your jacket and you noticed a little bruise forming on your leg from when you fell.

"It's ready." Eren came back into the bedroom.

Once you got into the bathroom you finished taking off everything and got in the bath. It was warmwhich really calmed your body and mind.

"Y/n! Wake up!" Eren eagerly shook you awake.

"What do you want." You said as you slowly opened your eyes.

"It's time to open your gifts!"

"You grabbed your phone to check the time."

'11:30.' You groaned and got up.

Eren rushed you as you got ready, brushing your teeth and washing your face. You stayed in your pajamas because you knew that's what everyone else was still wearing.

"Y/n you're finally awake." Armin greeted you first.

You saw that they already started opening gifts and yours were the only gifts left under the tree.

"Hey look what I got!" Dylan held up her new phone.

You smiled and walked by to get your gifts. Everyone seemed busy opening and saying thanks. You decided to wait to open Erens gifts till the end.

"Sorry I didn't know what you liked." Armin said as you opened his card. He gave you a Visa card with $300 on it.

"Honestly money is always a good gift." You smiled.

Dylan and Connie told you they bought you some things but they're at home but you knew that was a lie because you over heard them saying they didn't know what to give you.

'Am I really that difficult to shop for?'

Zeke gave you a few diamond necklaces. One matched the one Eren has at home. Tori bought you things from bath and body works. Perfumes, candles and all types of soaps.

'Is this bitch trying to say I stink?'

"You like them? They're my favorite scents so I thought you would like them too." She grinned.

"Oh yeah I love them they smell so good." You said in the fakest voice.

'I'm throwing these grandma smelling perfumes away!'

"Finally you got to my gifts. I wish I could've brought all the other things at home but you'll see once we get back." Eren said.

"Ouuu what's this?" You picked up a small bag.

"No! Save that one." He stopped you.

"Uhhh okay?" You slowly up the bag down.

You opened the many different charms he gave you for your pandora bracelet. He went overboard with the charms, your bracelet was almost full. He smiled harder and harder every time you opened one.

Finally you were at the small gift bag. You picked it up and put your hand inside. You felt around until a box was in your hand. You pulled it out and looked at it. It was a small white box. You thought it was earrings because of how small it was.

"Okay y/n before you open it I have something to say. We've known each other for such a short amount of time but I can definitely say that... I love you..."

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