"Best friend"

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"Y/n, don't be mad but...."

"But what?" You stepped closer and tilted your head.

"I...we...it was his fault!"

"Dylan just say it!" You yelled at her which caused her to jump a little.

"You remember when you fell asleep on thanksgiving and Eren and I were on the couch talking? Well we kissed, it was just like one second but-" she started talking very fast.

"What?" You stepped a little closer.

"Y/n, please just don't be mad-"

"Dylan say that again!" Your tone was soft but Dylan could tell you were extremely upset.

"I kissed Eren."

You took a step back and stared at the wall behind Dylan. All you could think about is all the times you kissed Eren after he kissed her.

"Were you not gonna fucking tell me? Dylan you're supposed to be my best friend! What the fuck! Does Connie know? Ouu I swear to god if he doesn't know I will tell him myself!" You yelled, screamed and threw your hands up.

"No he doesn't please don't tell him I will!"

"Hell no, I'm doing it!" You went to grab the door knob but she stopped you.

You cocked your free hand back and slapped the fuck outta her. She dropped your hand and you stormed out. Trying not to cry you quickly walked past everyone. You couldn't tell Connie right now.

You could hear Armin trying to get your attention because he saw you were upset. Once you got in the room you slammed the door and locked it. It felt like the room was spinning. You were breathing fast and pacing around the room.

The knocks at the door were starting to fade and become drowned out by your thoughts.

'Was it just a kiss? Who really initiated it? Did they fuck too?'

Every little thing was going through your head. You continued pacing around the room with tears in your eyes. You didn't even noticed the door was being opened until you saw Armin and Eren standing in the door way.

There was a key that opened every door in the cabin just in case they needed it. Armin could feel the tension between you two so he just left so y'all could work it out.

"What's wrong Shorty?" He held his arms out for a hug.

You pulled him inside and closed the door.

"You kissed Dylan?" You asked while wiping tears from your face.

His expression changed into a guilty one. He looked at his feet and sat down.

"Uh...yeah... but like it didn't mean anything."

"Why didn't you tell me!" You yelled.

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal. We were both kinda out of it when it happened."


"Y/n you fucked Jean and you know I don't like that dude."

"How do you-", you stopped talking because you remember what happened earlier. When you were on the phone with jean he talked about wanting to fuck you again. After that Tory walked in. You put two and two together, Tory must've told Eren.

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