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You woke up and Eren wasn't next to you. His stuff was gone and you didn't even have a text from him saying where he went. You heard some noises coming from the kitchen. Walking out you saw Dylan and Connie in the kitchen.

"Nigga you over our house more than your own." You said so loud you scared them.

"Hey y/n." Connie awkwardly smiled.

"Be nice." Dylan whispered to you.

You shrugged your shoulders and sat at the kitchen island next to Connie. Dylan was making food for all of y'all.

"Where did Eren go?" You asked them.

They looked at each other then to you.

"Don't know." Connie responded.

It felt like a lie because of the weird looks they gave each other. You just brushed it off and decided to go get ready for the day. You tried calling Eren while you were brushing your teeth but he didn't respond.

After brushing your teeth and washing your face you decided to call Jean to apologize about Eren. A few rings later and Jean answered, he was in bed with no shirt.

"Hey." He was the first to speak.

"Hi, I wanna say sorry for what Eren did yesterday."

"You don't gotta apologize for that idiot. I see y'all made up though, that's good." You could hear the salt in jeans tone.

"Yeah we did."

"Do you wanna hang out later?"

That caught you off guard. You wanted to spend the day with Eren but since he wasn't here you thought about going with jean.

"I have plans today, maybe this weekend." You couldn't see yourself hanging out with him right now.

"Okay I'll text you."

"Bye." You smiled and ended the call.

Dylan yelled the food was ready and you hopped out of bed and danced your way to the kitchen. Once you got farther down the hallway you heard Eren.

"Hey love." Eren greeted you.

Saying nothing you walked past him and to the kitchen island with all the food on it.

"Damn." You heard Connie say.

"You're mad at me already? I just went to the store."

"To buy what?"


You rolled your eyes and continued to make your plate. He walked over and stood behind you. He lowered his head to your ear and began whispering.

"You want me to ruin the surprise?"

His whispers tingled your ears and it felt like he was trying to seduce you right there. He had one arm wrapped around your waist. You were stunned not able to respond to his question.

"I guess that's a no, so stop acting like this." He grabbed a strawberry off your plate and walked away.

You finished eating breakfast and now you and Eren were playing around on your bed. He was heavy handed and every time he would lightly push you, you would basically go flying. You remember the time he punched Jean and you fell along with him, he definitely had to be using all his force to take 2 people down.

"Okay stop." You got tired of playing with him.

"What happening to you beating me up?" He pushed you again.

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