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"...And when I got into my car I was thinking 'oh my god I love him' but he needs to get his shit together." You paced around Dylan's room telling her everything that happened between you and Eren yesterday.

"I wish my feelings about Connie were this clear. I still like him but I just..."

"Dylan just leave him alone, you hurt him. Once you explain to him why you did what you did let him go."

"You're right...Connie is too good for me."

"You're just not ready and that's okay but he needs to know that. But if y'all wanna work it out who am i to say leave." You shrugged your shoulders.

"I think you're right, I should just give him
Closure and let him move on."

"How did this turn into YOUR therapy session?" You rolled your eyes.

"Oh yeah this is about you." She laughed.

"So what should I do?"

"I'm not sure my opinion is the best but-"

"You're my best friend, I'll listen to what you have to say and make my own decision. I just need an opinion of someone from the outside."

"Still, you should talk to someone else. Probably someone closer to Eren,maybe Armin."

"You think talking to the guy who has feelings for me will give me great advice about my ex boyfriend, who is his best friend is better than you?"

"Yes,yes I do."

"Im starting to think you want me to be with Armin."

"I mean he isn't the worst choice in the world."

"I like Armin but I love Eren."

"Tell him that." She got up and left the room.

"Wait-" you followed her out the room and to the front door.

"I invited him over." She opened the door and there was Armin standing on the other side of the door.

"Why did you-"

"Hi Armin , come in." Dylan cut you off.

He walked in and sat on the couch. You stood by the door as Dylan closed it behind him.

"Why is he here?" You whispered to her.

"You need to talk to him in person like you did with Eren." She whispered back.

Before you could say anything back she left you at the door and she walked to Armin.

"Are you thirsty? Or hungry?" She asked him.

"Can I get some water?"

"I'll get it for you, Dylan go away." You started walking to the kitchen.

You heard her say bye to Armin and she disappeared into her room. You came back into the living room with a water bottle in your hand.

"Thanks." He smiled when you gave him the bottle.

"You're welcome." You sat down next to him.

He fixed his body so he was facing you. You watched him open the bottle, drink the water then close it.

"So I heard you saw Eren yesterday."

"Who told you that?"

"He did, did you really?"

"Yeah I did. I had some things I needed to say."

"Oh are you two..."

"No we're not back together."

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