We're Done

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"Y/n wake up!" Armin's frantic voice woke you up.

"What? What's wrong?" You jumped up.

"He's home." Armin whispered.

"Seriously! Oh my god." You got out of Armin's bed and started putting your clothes on. You looked outside the window and saw Eren walking into the house with food.

"Hurry up!" Armin rushed you.

"I'm trying." You grabbed your shirt and left his room. You finished putting on your clothes in the hallway.

"Y/n come here." Eren called you from downstairs.

You took your time walking down the stairs and you made your way into the kitchen. He was taking the food out of the bag and placing it on the counter.

"Sorry I was gone longer than I thought. I hope you don't mind McDonalds."

"Yeah it's fine."

"Come here."

You walked over to him and he pulled you into a hug. You reluctantly hugged him back. You inhaled and that's when you smelled it.

"Where did you go?" You broke the hug.

"Whatchu mean I told you I had to make some stops."

"Where Eren?" You crossed your arms.

"Y/n I don't know what you want me to say."

"I know where you went. Can you just tell me the truth?"

"Can you just say what you wanna say and stop beating around the bush." You could tell he was annoyed.

"You went to go see Jocelyn."

"No I didn't-"

"Yes you did! Stop lying!" You yelled at him.

"I'm serious y/n I didn't."

"I heard you when you were on the phone with her! You even smell like her."

He took a step back from you and he had a surprised look on his face.

"You thought I wouldn't know. You're dumb and so am I... We're done Eren." 

"What do you mean we're done? Nothing happened between me and Jocelyn. She just wanted some stuff-"

"You don't have to keep lying. If that was true you wouldn't be drenched in her perfume."

He sighed and looked down at his feet.

"Is everything okay?" Connie said from behind you.

"Yeah." You turned around with tears forming in your eyes.

"Eren what did you do?"

"Connie it's fine." You walked out the kitchen leaving them there.

You ran up the stairs and into Erens room. You started packing your things up.



He walked into the room and gave you a hug.

"I'm sorry I have to go." You grabbed your bag.

"Can I take you home?"

"Yeah thanks."

Armin left the room to put shoes on and you went downstairs to wait by the door.

"You're leaving? Y/n we should talk!" Eren ran to you.

"No Eren I'm done, I can't trust you."

"You can... I-I just got high and..."

"Got high off what? Weed? No no that's not good enough for you anymore is it?"

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