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You were in bed next to Eren when your phone started ringing. He looked over to you because the ringing was annoying him. Sighing you picked up the phone and looked at who was calling.

*incoming FaceTime call from Bryson😞*

'Bryson? What the fuck?'

"Are you gonna answer?" He asked you.

"Y-yeah, imma just go downstairs." You quickly got out of his bed and rushed to the door.

Eren sat up in the bed and watched you quickly leave the room. He was curious to who called you so he decided to eavesdrop.

You picked up the phone and sat on the couch. Brysons face popped up. You were staring into the phone waiting for him to say something.

[dont think i ever showed a pic of Bryson so😋]

[dont think i ever showed a pic of Bryson so😋]

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"Lemme see you." He said.

You reached over to the lamp and turned it on. You lifted the phone up and put your face in the camera.

"You look good." He chuckled a little.

"What do you want?"

"I can't call my best friend to see how she's doing?"

"I'm not your best friend, seriously what do you want?"

"You picked up my call, man your boyfriend must be asleep."


"Y/n I just wanted to see you. We need to talk more. I miss you."

The words you didn't want to hear the most. Bryson had that cocky smile on his face like he knew what those words did to you.

"You could've sent that through text."

"Like you answer my fucking texts."


"We should meet up. I miss our good times y/n."

You heard some noise so you put your phone down. Eren came walking into the room and he grabbed your phone.

"You will never get the chance to meet up with her." Eren ended the call.

"What the fuck!" You snatched your phone back.

"Don't do that, Were you gonna meet up with him Y/n?"

You paused for a second. "No." You quietly replied.

Eren wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. That surprised you because you thought he was mad.

"Let's just forget about this okay?" He said without breaking the hug. "Don't speak to him again, I don't like the way he talks to you." He added.

That made you smile a little bit. Maybe Eren's jealousy wasn't such a bad thing. Y'all walked back to Eren's room and you got all cuddly with him.

"I kinda wanna know why you two aren't best friends anymore."

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