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Eren came inside the bathroom and just waited for your response. He has never really saw you fully naked and taking a shower with him wasn't the way you wanted him to see your naked body.

"Um no, just wait till I get out."

He didn't say any thing in response he just left. You quickly finished your routine so he could get in. When you got out and walked into the room again, he wasn't there. You shrugged it off and put on your pajamas since y'all weren't doing anything for the rest of the day.

you were laying on the bed when Eren came back smelling like weed.

"Did you just smoke?"

"Yeah, why?"

You just stared at him and he stared back. He busted out laughing like something was funny.

"You should've invited me." you roll your eyes playfully.

"You were in the shower and connie wanted a quick smoke session."

"Was Dylan there?"

"Nah just the boys."

You lowered your shoulders and sat back into the bed. Eren started getting ready to get into the shower. You followed all his movements until he got into the bathroom.

Waking up to the sound of Eren tripping and falling you jolt up to see what the noise was.


"I'm fine." You could hear the pain in his voice.

You climbed over the bed to see him on the floor holding his leg. You notice a spot where blood was trickling down his leg.

"You're bleeding." You point.

"Fuck." He swiped the blood with his finger.

You got up and went to the bathroom to get some paper towels.

"There's bandaids in the medicine cabinet." He yells to you.

You grab the bandaids and walk back to him. He was now sitting on the bed and you got on your knees to clean it for him. You used the wet paper towel to clean the dried blood on his leg and the dry one to dry everything.

You look up at him before putting the bandaid on. He's looking down at you and your eyes locked. He's slightly biting his lip. You roll your eyes because you know exactly what he's thinking.

"You look good on your knees shorty." He chuckled.

You roll your eyes again and got off your knees once you were done putting the bandaid on. You noticed the bright sun pouring through the blinds. You walked over and opened them.

"Damn!" You and Eren say in sync.

You close the blinds after being blinded by the sun. You laughed and walked back to the bed to check your phone. Eren went to the bathroom to start getting ready.

You noticed Dylan was already awake according to her Instagram story. You went through your feed for a bit then started to get your clothes together.

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