Not finished

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Eren closed the door and locked it. He started taking off his shirt while walking towards the bed. The lights were off and your eyes were finally adjusted to the dark.

You started taking off your stuff too but Eren stopped you.

"Let me do all the work Shorty."

You let go of your pants and let Eren take them off. Eren still had his on but he was shirtless. You could see the beautiful outline of his strong body. Your hands wondered his chest and arms.

He got in between your legs and hovered above you. With no warning he started roughly kissing you. Each kiss grew with power and intensity. You knew shit was about to go down.

In between kisses he helped you take your shirt off revealing your bra. He slid his hand behind your back, unhooking the bra and throwing it on the floor. You started to think about how it was useless choosing nice underwear if he was just gonna throw it on the floor.

Soon your thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of his tongue entering your mouth. His tongue swirled and danced with yours, his obviously the leader. One of his hands were squeezing one of your boobs. Your legs were curled around his body bringing him closer to you.

He moved back forcing your legs open. Eren didn't waste anytime going straight for your underwear, sliding them down then throwing them.

He positioned his mouth over your pussy then started going to town. Licking, sucking and spitting on it. He wasn't holding back. Your moans were increasingly getting louder but you tried to hold back.

"Stop holding back y/n, you can be as loud as you want." Eren said.

You hesitated but eventually you just let go. You knew you were gonna be embarrassed if anyone heard but that was something for you to worry about later. Eren continued licking and rubbing your clit, soon sliding one of his slender fingers into you.

You gripped his hair tight and clinched your legs around his head. The amount of pleasure you were feeling was unmeasurable. The way his tongue moved up and down, in and out. He added another two fingers with out warning. He tried to make you feel as good as possible.

He was definitely getting tired but he wouldn't let up, not even for a second. He liked hearing you wine when he slowed down. You were close to coming and he knew that which caused him to stop completely.

"Whatchu doing? Keep going!" You said out of breath.

"Not yet." He chuckled.

You watched him unbutton his pants. He slid them down revealing his Calvin Klein underwear. You looked away not wanting to see him pull his dick out.

"Look at me." He grabbed your face and turned your head back.

His dick sprung out when he took off his underwear. You forgot how big it was, you were kinda scared now. He got in between your legs. He slowly rubbed the tip on your pussy.

He groaned a little as he put it in. The first few strokes were slow So you could get used to him. You thought he'd be gentle and go slow for your first time together but you were dead wrong.

Not holding back he started attacking your pussy. The whole bed as shaking and so was your body. You knew he was powerful but this was a whole different side to him.

It was getting too much for you. You were out of breath from your moans and your legs we're getting tired. Your pussy was throbbing so much that you started closing your legs to keep him from attacking you.

"Keep your legs open Shorty." Eren commanded.

"I c-can't." You struggled to say.

"Open your legs."he tried spreading your legs open while still stroking fast.

You were a moaning mess, you didn't want him to stop. He pulled out, turned you around so you were on your knees.

"You're so beautiful y/n." He whispered into your ear as he started pounding you from behind.

He grabbed your throat to have more control. He started squeezing tight. You liked the pressure he was applying. The more he thrusted the more your legs weakened. He threw his body into yours over and over again.

"Eren p-please!" You tried getting him to slow down. He ignored your request and kept going.

Eren was in your ear praising you when you heard a loud knock on the door.

"What the fuck?" Eren let you go and got out of bed.

You pulled the covers on top of you while Eren slightly opened the door to see who was on the other side.

"Can y'all keep it down? People are trying to sleep!" You heard an angry Connie on the other side of the door.

"Man shut up." Eren closed the door and locked it back.

You were sitting in the bed, soaking in your embarrassment. You wanted this night to be over already. Eren came back to the bed and got under the cover with you.

"We don't gotta finish, we can just sleep."

You nodded your head and moved over to lay on his chest. You started to feel bad because Eren didn't get to finish. Right then and there you decided when y'all got back home you'll plan something special for him.

Authors note:
Short chapter but at least it's something🤗 this took me so long to write bc I don't know how to write smut anymore so if this was trash my bad, imma work on it. 😭

I've been busy with life so that's also why I haven't been writing. School is almost out sooo hopefully that means I can write more!

Thanks for all the reads, votes and comments ❤️

Ps: vote and comment :)

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