Ice cream

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"And then I hit him...ya'know I'm starting to feel bad. I shouldn't have put my hands on him but-"

"Y/n, you shouldn't feel bad. Technically he put his hands on you first."

You looked over to Jean who was sitting in the drivers seat of his car. You invited him over because you needed to rant. This probably wasn't what he thought when you asked him to come over.

"He just pushed me a little, it wasn't that big-"

"Y/n! Listen to yourself! He pushed you, if I were you I would've punched his ass right then and there." It was clear Jean didn't like Eren or what he did to you.

Maybe calling Jean wasn't the right choice but with your limited friends and the fact Dylan left to see Connie, Jean was pretty much the only person you could rant to.

You stayed silent as you looked out the window with your hand under your chin. You could feel Jean staring at you so you turned to look at him.

"You want some ice cream?" He asked.

That made you think of Eren. Almost everytime y'all saw each other he offered to buy you ice cream.

"Yeah." You replied already knowing which flavor you were gonna get.

Jean tried his best to keep you smiling as y'all drove to the ice cream shop. You noticed this was the exact one Eren took you to. Jean held you close as you both walked through the cold towards the door.

"Don't you think ice cream is just gonna make us colder?" You looked up at Jean who was shivering.

"Maybe, but we can stay in here with the heat if you want."

You ended up getting chocolate ice cream with brownie bits mixed in, a brownie and chocolate syrup on top. The exact thing Eren got when y'all went there.

"Don't you think that's too much chocolate?" Jean said as he grabbed a napkin and sat in front of you.


You dug your spoon into the ice cream and tasted it. It was so sweet and made you cringe a little with every bite you took.

'How could Eren eat this?'

You started daydreaming while taking bigger and bigger bites of the ice cream. The more you ate it the more you liked it. The ice cream was so cold but felt warm as you thought about him.

'What the fuck am I doing right now? Eren probably isn't with another girl. Then again i don't know him like I thought I did.'

"Are you listening?" Jean was able to catch your attention.


"If you were then you would know Eren was here?"


"Don't turn around, I don't think he knows it's you."

He probably didn't because you had a hoodie on to hide your fucked up hair. Eren just had to be there.  It was clear Eren noticed Jean because Jean started making a face while eyeballing him.

"Don't!" Jean whisper yelled to you as you were about to turn to look at Eren.

"Why? Is he with someone?"


"He is!"

You slowly turned around while trying to sheld your face. There he was standing near a girl who seemed to be chatting his ears off. You couldn't really see her face due to the fact you were trying to hide your face and Eren was in the way.

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