Good guy

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"What the fuck is this?" You threw your phone at Eren and he caught it.

"What is what?"

"Play the  fucking video!"

The loud moaning noises and praises from Eren filled your very quiet bedroom. Erens face dropped and he stopped the video.

"How did you get this?"

"Somebody's sent it to me!"


"Obviously the girl in the video."

"It's Jocelyn." He sighed.

'Jocelyn? Like his ex thing? I thought this was a new bitch.'

"This video is so old y/n, don't listen to anything she's telling you."

"Prove it, prove the video is old."

"Uh I-I- can't. I used her phone to record."

"I swear all you do is lie Eren."

"I'm not lying! I swear this video is old!" He grabbed your hand.

You looked him in the eyes and he had that look on his face. The look where you didn't know if you wanted to trust him or call him a liar and kick him out of your life. So many things have happened ever since you met him and you put nothing but trust into him, why would this time be any different?

"Whatever, if I see one more thing we're done."


"Yes done! It's hard for me to trust you."

You saw he was taken aback by your words. He let go of your hand and sat on your bed. He faced the ceiling as he laid down.

"You know I like you a lot... I don't know how to show it besides buying you things. You're different and I just don't want to hurt you." He said softly.

He expressed his feelings to you before and you still didn't know how to respond to that. You felt the same as him but you were scared of getting played. Bryson, your ex best friend got you scared of relationships. He played with your feelings just to end up with another girl and pretending like you didn't exist.

"I know." You say next to him.

He sat up and looked at you. He was still taller than you while you were sitting so he had to look down. He grabbed your hand and placed his fingers in between yours. Y'all sat there holding hands in silence for a a few minutes.

"Hey y/n you got-" Dylan busted into your room.

"Dylan can you knock please!"

"Sorry, did I ruin a moment? My bad, Hey Eren." She waved.

"Sup Dylan." He smiled and waved back.

"What do you want?"

"Do you have some leggings I can borrow? I left mine at Connie's house."

"Oh those were yours." Eren said.

You looked back at him very confused.

"Oh right you never been over my house, I live with Connie and Armin." He laughed a little.

"I have some but you better give them back." You walked over to your dresser.

You quickly found them so she could get out. You threw them to her and she left. You saw Eren had your phone in his hands.

"What are you doing?" You sat next to him.

"Jean is texting you."


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