This is what you want

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"Do you have a crush on me?" You said while looking into his blue eyes.

He broke eye contact to look at his hands. The room was silent, you were waiting on his response.

"I'm not sure." He said after a minute or so of silence.

"What do you mean? You should know of you like someone or not."

"You're my best friends girlfriend, I can't like you."

"Armin give me a clear answer. Do you like me, yes or no."

"Yes." He looked up to meet your eyes once again.

"For how long?"

"We really shouldn't-"

"No we're having this conversation." You said with base in your voice.

"I was the first one to see you when we were at the rink. Eren said he wanted to shoot his shot so I let him."

"You saw me and Eren took me. Why would you let that happen?"

"I didn't think you'd go for me. Eren's the guy every girl likes."

"You didn't even try!" You stood up angrily.

"I know that and it's too late now." He stood up too.

"Bye Armin." You stormed out the room.

You went down stairs to try to find Eren. You went to the movie room, as you were approaching you could hear a girl laugh. It didn't sound like it was from the tv because it was faint. You slowly walked in and saw Eren was on the phone. He didn't notice you were there so they kept talking.

"So are you gonna give me the stuff?"

"For free? Hell no, Jocelyn you know I can't do that."

"Who said it was for free? I'll make it up to you." She giggled.

"Okay, when do you wanna meet?"

"Isn't your girl over?"

"Yeah but I'll just tell her I'm making a run, she'll understand."

You stood there listening to him making plans with his ex. You slowly walked backwards so he wouldn't hear you. You went back up stairs into his room. A few minutes later he walked in the room.

"Where you going?" You asked.

"Duty calls, I gotta make some sells. I'll bring you back food okay?" He said while changing his clothes.

"Okay." You fake smiled.

"Love you." He kissed you on the cheek and left the room.

'He thinks I'm so dumb.'

You waited till he left to leave his room and go to Armin's.

"Hey Armin." You knocked on his door.

"Wassup?" He opened the door.

"Eren left and I'm bored." You walked in his room.

"Oh okay, we can watch a movie or something." He closed the door behind you.

"I have something better in mind."

"Like what?"

"Sit." You pointed to the edge of his bed.

"Okay?" He followed your directions.

You took a deep breath before you climbed on top of him, straddling him. Your heart beat sped up as you took his arms and put then on your hips.

"Y/n what are you doing?"

"You're so kind, sweet, reliable. You held back your feelings all this time." You placed your hand on his face.

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