Back home

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Eren was in the bathroom cleaning his piercings while you were cleaning up the room. It was time to go back home and you were excited. This trip taught you a lot. Your relationship with Dylan was in a weird place and you really didn't know if it could be fixed with out some work.

You talked to Eren about how you felt about him and what he's done. You were way too trusting and you knew that. You wanted to move on from this Christmas trip.

"Are you done?" Eren poked his head out the bathroom.

"I would be if you would actually help." You rolled your eyes.

"You got it." He went back into the bathroom.

You smacked your lips then quickly finished cleaning the room.

Finally it was time to actually leave and go to the airport. While you were putting your bag in the car Eren was talking to Zeke.

"I hope to see you again y/n." Tory came up behind you. She kinda scared you because you didn't hear her walking up.

"Oh yeah hopefully at the wedding." You giggled a little, even though you knew you didn't want to go to her wedding.

Tory just smiled and you could tell it was extremely fake. You didn't know what you did to make her not like you but you didn't care.

"I could've put it in there." Eren came walking to the car.

"I just wanna hurry up and leave." You said with a bit of an attitude. You walked towards the passenger side of the car and got in.

Eren closed the trunk and you watch him through the mirror as he talked to Tory. She hugged him for a lot longer than you liked. You rolled your eyes and got on your phone.

"Ready?" He asked you when he got in the car. You hummed in response.

"What's wrong?" He knew something was wrong with you.

"Nothing, let's go before we miss our flight." You didn't look up from your phone.

"Okay whatever." He completely brushed you off and that made you more irritated.

Getting to the airport everything went smoothly. Y'all got on the flight back home. You and Eren slept the whole time so the flight went by super fast.

"Y/n!" You felt someone shaking you awake.

You opened your eyes to see Armin trying to wake you and Eren. You yawned and started helping Armin to wake Eren up.

"Come on." You kissed his forehead.

Eren groaned and eventually opened his eyes.

"Did you just kiss me on my forehead?" Eren furrowed his eyebrow.

"Yes, you got a problem?"

"No." He started smiling a little.

You got on Erens back because you didn't want to walk around the Airport to get your bags. People were staring at you but you didn't care. You got off once y'all got to the baggage claim because you didn't want to hurt his back.

Everyone decided to stop at the bathroom before leaving. You and Dylan didn't have to go so you watched the boys bags.

"Y/n?" Dylan said.

"Yeah?" You looked up at her.

"Did you and Eren actually fuck?" She asked with no hesitation.

"Wha- h- uh-"

"Oh my god, Connie told me but I thought he was lying because I didn't hear anything."

"Yeah Connie knocked on the door and told us to shut up." You face palmed.

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