10 or 2

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On the way to the mall Jean kept texting you. Eren definitely noticed you were texting someone and hiding your screen but he didn't say anything. He just sang along with the music that was playing. It took a little bit of time for y'all to get to the mall and when y'all finally got there you had to pee.

"I gotta pee Eren!" You whined.

"Okay we can go to the restroom when we meet up with everyone."

"No we can meet up with them after!" You whined again.

"Stop whining we can go in a second! They're right there." He pointed to the cars that were pulling into parking spots.

You huffed and rolled your eyes.

"Man let's go." He opened the car door.

Tory ran over to the car and greeted Eren. Zeke seemed to not care that his girl wanted his brother. Zeke, Tory and Eren were in front of you, Dylan, Connie and Armin.

"I hate her." Dylan whispered to you.

You looked at her and started laughing. "She's just so touchy! Like damn bitch your man is right there."

"Exactly." Dylan shook her head.

There was a bathroom near the entrance so you went inside. You tried not to take long because you didn't want to leave Eren and Tory alone.

When you walked out you saw Dylan and Eren talking near the front of a store and Tory standing close but not too close.

"Where's everyone else?" You walked up to them.

"They in there." Dylan pointed to the store they were in front of.

"I think we should split up for a bit. Y'all can go with Tory and I'll stay with the boys." Eren said.

It made sense because y'all were buying gifts for each other and you didn't want the other to see.

"Alright." You kissed him on the cheek and walked with Dylan towards Tory.

"We're gonna leave the boys for a bit and go shopping around." Dylan said.

"Oh okay." She smiled.

The smile felt so fake but you didn't want to say anything about it. You wanted this to be drama free.

You had some ideas on what to give Eren while y'all were here. You already had some nice gifts for him back home so you just wanted to get some simple gifts here.

You ended up buying him Gucci cologne and slides, and a Burberry scarf.

"Wait I wanna buy Armin some stuff too." You said.

"Me too." Dylan agreed.

"Me three!" Tory said.

Y'all were shopping around for your boos and forgot to get Armin some stuff. You went to the apple store and got some air pod pros for Armin and Eren.

Tory bought him some Nike techs but Dylan really didn't know what to buy him so she called Connie.

"Yooo!" He answered the phone.

You started laughing because of the way he answered.

"Where you at?"Dylan asked.

"Near the apple store, where y'all at?"

"Wait we're near the apple store too!"

"Oh shit I see y'all."

You looked up from the phone and saw them walking over. Eren had hella bags in his hand. You mentally cursed because he said he wouldn't go all out here.

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