Ending 2: The one

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Eren called and asked to meet with you. You were shocked to hear from him since he basically disappeared for 2 months.

He picked a nice spot in the middle of town. The nerves started to take over your body as you got out the car. You felt like you weren't ready to see him but what would be the right time to? You didn't know, it was now or never.

Walking in you told the hostess you were supposed to be meeting someone. She took you to where Eren was sitting. He was fiddling with his fingers but when he heard the foot steps approaching he stood up.

He pulled out your chair so you could sit. When he sat down you could see how different he looked.

"You look beautiful." He spoke clearly.

"Thank you." You could feel your heart beating faster.

He looked well rested, his skin was clear and his eyes looked bright.

"Are you going to stare forever?"

"I wasn't staring I was admiring." You rolled your eyes.

"Before we start talking about stuff I want to say I never stopped thinking about you. Even when I disappeared for months it was for you."

"Where did you even go? Everyone looked for you."

"I'll explain later."

"Does Armin and Connie know you're back?"

"No, I got my own place and I won't be going back with them."

"You should at least tell them."

"I will when the time is right. I just needed to see you first."

When the waiter came he ordered for you because you didn't look at the menu. The waiter left and that's when Eren finally started talking about where he went.

"You wanna know where I was?"


"Rehab, a real one. In Florida on the beach, I was in there with some real addicts. I hated every bit of it but I knew I had to do it."


"Yeah, according to the counselor in there, seeing you could cause to relapse but I think the complete opposite will happen."


"You were the only thing making me happy."

"So how was it? I know you said you didn't like it but something must've happened for you to be here."

"Well I got out because I wasn't as bad as they thought. I just needed someone to talk to."

"You could've talked to me."

"You were apart of the problem. You were too good for me."

"That's not true."

"It is but that's the reason why I went in the first place, to be better."

"For me..."

"In there I was thinking where you when I needed you y/n. In that moment I would've given it all to hold you close one last time... I'm sorry that I broke your heart."

"I forgave you months ago Eren. You hurt me alot but I forgive you."

"I want to get back together and actually do it right this time. You're the only girl I ever loved."

"Let's just see how this goes before I make any decisions."

You talked...

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