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The plane ride wasn't anything special. Eren tried speaking to you a couple times but you tuned him out by turning up your music or just simply ignoring him. You knew you couldn't be mad forever because you two weren't exactly a couple but it still hurt knowing he lied.

Connie and Eren rented two cars and y'all separated. Armin, you and Eren were in one car while Dylan and Connie had the other. It was a really long drive from the airport to the cabin. Y'all passed some nice scenery so you took pictures of it all.

Eren played music and vibed out, Armin was on his phone laying down in the backseat. Y'all haven't talked much since y'all got into the car so you decided to spark up a conversation.

"So why is your family cabin in Vermont?"

"It was Zeke's moms but she died and left it to my dad."

"Oh..." that wasn't the answer you were expecting but then again you didn't know what to expect.

"Are you and Zeke close?"

"Close enough, we never really saw each other when we were young so." He shrugged his shoulders.


"His mom is from New York and mine is from Florida."

"Damn your dad was just traveling the coast." You laughed.

"I told you he was a whore."

"What about now? where is he?"

"I have no idea."

The car fell silent after that. The trees outside got taller and thicker and you felt like y'all were getting closer to the cabin. The road turned into this one lane, ice filled road and it lead to different strips of road.

So y'all pulled onto one of the roads and followed it down into a clearing where you saw the cabin. There was a car in the driveway and Eren pulled behind it. Connie pulled beside Eren and y'all started getting out. Eren ran to the door and knocked on it.


You got out and walked to the trunk to get your bags

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You got out and walked to the trunk to get your bags. Armin was already back there, digging through the stuff.

"I can carry your stuff if you want."

"No I'm good." You smiled and grabbed your suitcase.

Eren came back and you heard a loud voice greeting Connie as he and Dylan walked towards the door.

"I got it." He grabbed your suitcase without asking.

"Just get your stuff." You tried grabbing it back.

"Y/n go inside and get warm." He looked you in the eyes.

"Okay." You smacked your lips.

You walked with Armin towards the cabin and up the stairs. Walking inside the warmth from the fire place covered your entire body. Dylan and Connie were sitting on the couch with a blonde man with glasses.

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