Chapter 1

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Ashley took a deep breath as she pulled up to the house that held so many memories. She took a deep breath then slowly got out of the car. Her onyx hair gently moved around her as the breeze swirled around her. Her blood red nail polish matched her lips as she moved her hair behind her ear. Her chocolate eyes blinked back tears and she stared at the house that held both cherish memories and heartache.

It hurt that she had to come back to Oklahoma but at the same time she was so happy to be back where her heart called home. She just hoped the reason for her heartache didn't know she was back home.

"Mommy," Ashley turned to see her four year old twin daughters unbuckling and getting out of the car. "This Oma's home?" Their ebony hair were pulled up in pony tails that reminded her of Abby from NCIS and their dark brown eyes were a mix between hers and both of the fathers. Yes, her daughters were twins but each one had a different father. Their fathers never knew and never would since they broke her heart. There were just some things that couldn't be repaired.

Nova Rain had a slightly darker olive complexion than her sister Salem Hecate but both had ethereal looks about them. Ashley didn't know if it was because of their dark eyes and ebony hair in contrast to their olive complexion and heart shaped lips or just because of their innocence and wild imaginations but whatever gave her girls the thing that made them seem like fairies she wasn't going to question it.

"You made it!" She turned away from her daughters to see her grandmother standing on the porch smiling. She opened her arms which made Nova and Salem rush into their great grandmother's hug.

"Oma," Ashley smiled as she leaned over her daughters to hug her grandmother. "I promise it's only for a little bit. Just until I get back on my feet."

"Oh don't worry about it," Oma smiled as she pulled away and opened the front door. "We're family and I would be very upset if you didn't come home when you needed to. Now let's get you guys settled and I know I could surely use two helpers in making some cookies for dessert for after dinner."

"Me wanna help!" Nova beamed.

"Me too," Salem bounced as they went inside.

"Now, here is you girls' room," Oma said as she opened the door that held a bunk bed with pink and purple bed sets and some stuff animals. "Your mommy is next door and the one across from you is your play room with all your toys."

"Yay tank you Oma," the girls shouted in unison and rushed to their playroom.

"Oma?" Ashley asked confused. This was a three bedroom house so she was confused.

"I moved into Nana's home right next door after Mother, I mean your Nana passed. This house is too big for me after Papa passed and we both know Mother needed my help after Daddy passed," Oma whispered as she headed back to the kitchen. "It works out great for me that Mother insisted on having two houses built on this land right next door to each other. You can have this house and I will be right next door to help whenever you need it with the girls."

"It's still so strange to be here without Nana and Papa Gene and now without Papa Bill also," Ashley whispered as she looked around her childhood home.

"Yes but it still has all our wonderful memories," Oma smiled softly. "Now," Oma sighed, "hard question," Ashley nodded, "Are you going to tell the guys?" Ashley shook her head and Oma nodded. "Okay but I think they deserve to know. Now before you get upset think about it for the girls sake. One you don't know for a fact who the fathers are between all fourteen men. Yes you know there are two different fathers but there is still fourteen men. You need to know exactly who for health reasons. Second you know what it was like to grow up without your father Ashley. Your grandfather and my daddy stepped up with my son was having his problems but you still had that pain of him not being there. Do you really want those girls to go through the same thing you did? I understand they broke your heart but do the girls really have to suffer because of it? They can still be in the girls' lives without you having a relationship with them again. Third, I'm not going to be here forever, what's going to happen to the girls if something happens to you, you really need to think about that, especially after what you've just gone through. Just think about it, okay?"

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