Chapter 44

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"Ash, I want you to be honest with yourself and with me, where are you happier?" Oma asked.

Ashley bit her lip and whispered, "With them."

"Then there is your answer," Oma smiled softly. "The house will always be there for you and you are still close to me. You don't have to stay there just for me. Sean, Kota, and Owen all know my appointments and Kota already has a schedule planned so I don't have to drive there or back. Owen got me all set up a while back. You said yourself, they have proven themselves over and over again, they aren't the same young boys they were back then. They didn't have to try and learn how to be parents, they could have denied and walked away and yet they stepped up and learned how. They fought to see them and learned how to co parent with you. They are fighting to correct their mistake. They want a family with you, not just co parent. They didn't have to come to the girls dance and sit through the whole thing and yet they did because they wanted to. I couldn't tell you how many fathers I saw over the years while taking you to you dance, probably less then ten honestly, and yet every single one of them chose to be here and I bet they will be there for every one in the future. That's pretty special, Ash. You said you wanted a love like me and Papa and like Nana and Papa. There were times my father hurt my mother and yet she forgave him because their love was special. Same with Papa and me. The love between you and those men is special. It will be okay to forgive them. You will always have those pesky what ifs but I have a feeling those boys will keep proving the bad thoughts wrong. You just need to give them the chance to learn how to love again."

"You think?" Ashley asked scared.

"I do," Oma nodded. "It will be worth the risk, I promise. The way those men look at you is the same way my daddy used to look at Mother and how Papa use to look at me."

Ashley looked over at them and could have sworn she saw North looking at them again but when she did a double look, he was watching the girls talk to Aleksandr and Natasha.

"Go out with the guys," Oma said smiling softly. "Just you and the guys, let us grandparents spend some bonding time with the girls and you get to know the guys again. You need to do this, Ash, trust me."

"Are you sure?" Ashley asked nervously.

"What?" Natasha asked coming over to them.

"I was just telling Ashley that us grandparents should steal the girls and go out to celebrate and her and the guys could spend some time together as well while we spoil the girls for a few hours," Oma smiled and Natasha beamed.

"Yes! Da, let's," Natasha nodded then went to tell everyone else.

"We go wif them?" Salem asked and Ashley looked at the group. The guys were excited while both girls were looking at her hopefully.

Ashley smiled and then knelt and hugged them. "Have fun with Oma, Dedu, Babu, Nana, Papa, and Auntie Jess. Mommy and Daddies are going to miss you lots."

"Bye bye Mommy Daddies!" The girls shouted as they left.

Ashley waved until she couldn't see them anymore then sighed as the guys came over to her. "Now what?" She asked nervously.

"Let's go get something to eat," Luke suggested and she nodded.

"Come on Darling," Owen said as he held out his hand. She bit her lip then nodded and placed her hand in his. She didn't miss the way his eyes lit up when he intertwined their fingers and she didn't pull away. She had to admit it made her feel a little warm inside at the thought of her making him happy again.

"Thank you for bringing everyone to the girls' recital," She said after she finished chewing the fry that she had just popped into her mouth. "I really appreciate it."

"Of course," Axel nodded, "We wanted them there as well and thought it would be a great surprise for all three of you. Raven told us how much you said you missed his parents so it worked out perfectly."

She nodded and sighed, "I have missed everyone so much."

"Well now you won't have to," Victor smiled softly. "Since you are back home you can see them whenever you want."

She sighed and pushed her plate away, "I need to think," she said as she stood and walked outside.

"Something I said?" Victor asked and North shook his head.

"She was talking to Oma earlier," North explained, "I couldn't catch what they were saying but knowing Oma, it got her really thinking about us."

"Let's go make sure she is okay," Owen said as he paid for everyone's meals.

"She's walking by the river," Luke said from speakerphone. He followed once she left the diner.

They followed behind her so to give her space but still being close by. She stopped and watched the water touch the sand, lost in thought. They could tell she was having an internal battle with her thoughts and as much as they wished they could help, they knew it was something she had to figure out on her own.

"Darling," Owen said coming up to her once the night started to get cool and he noticed she was starting to shiver. She turned to look at him. He held her gaze while she searched for something, "What?" he started to ask but was silenced as she took a step forward and kissed him.

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