Chapter 52

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(6 years later)

"Hey Care Bear, Hey Bunny Happy Birthday!" The guys shouted as the girls came racing into the living room after getting dressed.

"Thank you Daddies," The girls smiled as they hugged all of them.

"We can't believe you are double digits now," Ashley smiled as she wiped away a few tears. "We love you so much Girls."

"Awe Mommy," They hugged her tightly. "Can we open presents now?"

Ashley burst into laughter and nodded. After cake and presents the girls whispered in Ashley's ear and she nodded. "Daddies we have a surprise for all of you," The girls said in unison.

"Really?" Owen asked confused, "but it's your birthday."

"Too bad," Salem chuckled as Ben, Erica, Jessica, Aleksandr, Natasha, and Oma chuckled.

"Everyone close your eyes," Nova smiled as the guys sat and closed their eyes.

The girls removed the shirts they were wearing to show the shirts they had on underneath. Ashley moved behind the girls so she could capture the moment and the girls held each other hands then said, "Open your eyes."

Everyone gasped as they saw the girls now wearing shirts that said Big Sisters.

"What?" Sean asked shocked and Ashley snapped away pictures.

"The surrogate called this morning and said she tested positive. The girls were in my room when I got the call and overheard. They wanted to tell you, I offered to wait and tell on a different day since this is their day but they insisted. We're pregnant."

Everyone surrounded Ashley and kissed her then kissed the girls. Eight months later they had twin boys.

A year later Ashley came of the boys nursery and smiled as she sat on the couch and held a pillow to her chest. "Everything okay Darling?" Owen asked as he sat the baby monitor on the table beside them.

"Yep," She smiled softly as she looked around room. The girls were working on a puzzle with the help of a few of the guys. Others were doing their own thing while the three dogs were curled up asleep in front of the fireplace. "This is my dream come true that I thought I would never get."

"Well, it's true," Owen smiled softly. "All this happened of your love for us and because you are ours."

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