Chapter 18

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After lunch a few of them helped the girls get cleaned up while a few others cleaned the kitchen. "Nap time Girls," Kota softly said as they dried their hands. "Go potty then it's time to lay down."

"Otay," they said as Nova took off for the bathroom while Salem went to lay Belle and Rose down in their beds. Once Nova was done Salem went to the bathroom while Nova grabbed a book. She handed it to Kota then crawled into bed. Salem got in bed and Kota opened the book and started reading.

Once the girls were asleep he left the room and headed to the living room. "I thought we were all in good shape but man...." Luke sighed as he plopped down on the couch.

"Being a parent is completely different," Kota shook his head. "And this is a good day, imagine of the girls were sick or the girls and Ashley were sick at the same time. We missed the sick days and the teething days and didn't she even say they had RSV at one time? We've missed the hard days, this is nothing compared to what she has had to go through on those days. We have no right saying this is hard compared to what she has done alone."

"True," Luke whispered nodding.

"She isn't alone anymore," North whispered as he picked up a couple of toys that had fallen out of the living room toy box. "Do you think we can get her to recover from her surgery at our place so we can help care for her and the girls and not be so cramped here? We can even have Oma stay at our place."

"That's something we will have to talk to her about but we still don't even know when her surgery is," Sean shrugged. "I mean we are making progress since we are here but she also keeps us away on her good days. I can't say one way or another right now. I can hope she will stay with us while she recovers but I can also see her putting her foot down and saying no."

"Let's just keep helping today and see how it goes," Owen said as he cleaned his glasses. "We still have to figure out what lessons the girls are supposed to have today and who will be going to pick up Oma and staying with her in case she needs help plus dinner plans and bedtime routines."

"Maybe we can see about everyone coming over to the house once the girls wake from nap," Corey suggested as he looked up from the DVD collection on the entertainment center.

"No," A soft voice said from the doorway. They turned to see Ashley in Victor's arms with Nathan beside them. "Oma will have no immune system and will be exhausted. She needs rest and peace and going somewhere she hasn't been before will stress her out, she doesn't need that. The girls do not do well being in new environments as well," she said motioning to be put down so she can stand. "If our home is too small and you are cramped then you are more than welcome to leave. I can manage the rest of the day, I have gotten plenty of rest."

"That's not what I meant at all," Corey shook his head and held his hands up. "I swear I didn't mean it like that at all."

"Then what did you mean?" She seethed and crossed her arms.

"Nyet new home Kitten," Raven said standing in front of her. "Same home Oma know nyet move."

"What?" She asked shocked.

"Nyet move, same home always."

"But...." She shook her head. "But...."

"But what?" Silas asked. "Is it really so shocking that we stayed in the home we created together?"

"Yes," She answered honestly.

"Well, we are still in your dream home, and we would like for you to come back to the house after the girls wake up," Silas said softly. "We can bring stuff over so the girls can have their lesson and Oma can stay in one of the spare rooms while she rests. We can have dinner together since we have plenty of groceries and won't use up all of yours. It will also give the girls a chance to get to know the place that way if you ever allow them to come over they will already know the place and you and Gabe can get together to prepare a couple of rooms for them so they can have stuff over there when they visit or stay the night when the time comes you allow for that."

"What?" She asked shocked. "You actually want them to stay the night one night?"

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