Chapter 33

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"Okay, well that doesn't change anything," Silas said shrugging, "Nova is mine as well, they both will learn about my heritage and everyone else's as well."

"Exactly," Axel nodded, "Salem is mine as well."

"They are all of ours," Owen nodded. "But now we will know the medical information that could possibly be passed down in them."

"Oy Doc, why is your hair wet?" Gabe asked confused.

"I took a quick shower before I went to let Pookie know how the girls were doing," Sean explained. "Since I was with the girls I needed to take a shower to lessen the chance of exposing her."

"Oh," Gabe said then said, "So what do we need to do for the girls?"

"Their schedule is on hold right now," Ashley said softly. "They can nap whenever they want as much as they want. They need lots of liquids and comfort. Their attitudes are going to switch at a sudden notice from crying to angry to whatever. They need to be together, they take comfort in being together."

"It's a twin thing," Corey nodded. "I feel like something is missing in me when Brandon is gone, only when he is close by do I feel whole."

"Yeah," Brandon nodded. "Ditto."

"I have their medicine," Sean said, "Once they start their antibiotics they will feel better in a couple of days but they will still be contagious for about two weeks so they can not go to dance or anything else. We also need to get them new toothbrushes and then again once they are no longer sick just to ensure safety. Their clothes and dishes need to be washed separately from everyone else's as well as making sure they cover their noses and mouths then they cough and sneeze. We are taking the vitamins North has picked up but we are still at risk catching strep so let me know if you start to get a sore throat so I can make sure we all stay healthy. Until I can guarantee that everyone is healthy and not contagious we will be on lockdown. Everything that needs to be bought will be done online. Mark and Victor you can go to the store and get food and any other essentials but then we will be on lockdown."

"We are willing and will obey," they said in unison.

"Why don't you tell them about your work Darling?" Owen asked so she sighed and told them about Salem Nova Creations.

"Why have I never seen this site before?" Gabe asked shocked and she shrugged.

"You like expensive things," she said, "If you ever did you probably just glanced and then went on looking I guess."

"I also support small businesses," Gabe pouted. "Now I'm offended but also intrigued."

"I will be looking into her business but other than that we will not interfere unless she asks," Owen said. "She will still run her business all on her own."


Ashley looked up hearing the girls crying. She stood but Sean shook his head. "I don't want you to get sick with your immune system being low right now. I will go check on them."

"But they are calling for me," She argued. "They need me."

"We will face time," Sean offered, "I don't want to risk you catching strep with you still recovering from surgery. It's not safe. Please?"

Ashley sighed in defeat, "You better call me once you get them settled down."

"I will," Sean nodded. He entered their room and smiled sadly at them. "Hey Girls."

"Wan Mommy," Salem coughed. "Mommy feel bewer."

"I know Mommy makes you feel better but Mommy can't come in here right now," Sean frowned as he knelt beside her bed. "We don't want her to get sick do we?"

"No," Nova whimpered. "No feel goof."

"I know Care Bear," Sean said softly. He put his hand on her forehead, "I'm sorry you don't feel good Care Bear. Would you like some of Daddy Marc's soup and a little bit of juice or sprite?" She nodded and whimpered. It broke his heart that she didn't feel well.

"Daddy," Salem whimpered then burst into tears.

"I'll get you some too Pumpkin," Sean said softly. "I'll see if Daddy Kota will come in and read you a princess story okay?"

"Otay," they whimpered as Sean held Salem until she calmed down.

He sent out a group text and a few minutes later Ashley face timed, "Hi my Loves," she said softly and they whimpered. "Oh my babies, I'm so sorry you don't feel well. I'm sure after you eat just a little bit of soup and juice Daddy Corey will come in set up a TV for you and Daddy Gabe just told me that they got you all the Disney princess movies and even Barbie movies so you can watch princesses and barbies all day, okay? Once Mommy is better I will come check on you."

"Otay," they whimpered as Kota came into the room.

"Which story would you like to hear Girls?" he asked as he held out various books. They pointed to a Disney Princess Palace Pets book so he sat in the rocking chair and Sean helped each girl get in his lap then he started reading. Ashley smiled as she watched Kota read to them.

They drifted off to sleep so Sean ended the call so he could help move the girls back to their bed. They went to go take a shower then headed back to the living room.

"We will go check on them every thirty minutes unless they wake up in between. Corey has a video baby monitor that he put in your room so you can watch them as well," Victor told Ashley.

"Thank you," She smiled softly then yawned.

"Nap time Kitten," Raven said as he picked her up and carried her to her room. "Sleep."

"I can't," she shook her head, "I want to watch them, I need to know they are okay."

Raven got in bed with her and slowly started to rub her back, "I watch too." She tried to fight it but within minutes of him cuddling with her she drifted off to sleep.

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