Chapter 16

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"Hey Kota, do you need to go check on Max?" Nathan asked and the girls stopped throwing leaves in the air. They rushed over to Kota in excitement.

"Maxie home?" they asked tugging on Kota's shirt. "Maxie awo?"

"You know about Max?" Kota asked shocked and they nodded. "Max is home alone but he's okay. I'm about to go feed him and let him go potty."

"Be here Daddy," Nova jumped up and down in excitement. "See Maxie see Maxie peas."

"Maxie pay wif us," Salem jumped up and down also. "Peas."

"Will Mommy allow it?" Kota asked.

They stopped jumping and nodded. "Mommy say Maxie nice. Ohwe Maxie doggie Mommy truss wif us," Salem said and Kota nodded.

"Okay, I will go get Max," Kota smiled hearing that Ashley told them about Max and that he was the only dog she would trust around the girls. He grabbed his car keys and kissed the girls on the head then left after waving to them.

"Now Girls, remember Max hasn't met you yet so he may be a little nervous at first," Axel said and they nodded. "Let him come up to you, okay?"

"Otay Daddy," they nodded then rushed back to the leaves.

"She told them about Max," he said coming over to stand with Owen and Sean.

They nodded. "She did say she told them about us and refused to bad mouth us in front of them. She may have never wanted us to know about them, but she still made sure to make a connection for them with us in case we ever did learn about them," Owen said. "But she also told them that we are always gone helping others so they are just accepting the time we are here. They are expecting us to leave for a long time again. We have to show them and her we are here for good now."

"We also have to keep following her terms and conditions," Sean nodded. "Eventually she will have to realize that we trying to make up for being idiots and want a life with them."

"Come on Girls, let's get inside and rest a little bit," Axel called out. They started to pout and he chuckled, "You don't want to be too tired when Max gets here do you?" They shook their heads, "Then let's go inside and get a drink and rest that way when Max get's here you will be ready to play again."

They nodded and headed inside. Marc handed them their drinks. They sat down in front of the TV and started watching cartoons.

"Man, I'm tired," Nathan whispered as he leaned against the kitchen counter. "They have so much energy. How does she do this?"

"Just think she has done this every single day with no help until she moved back here and even then it was only help from Oma," Victor said shaking his head.

"We help now," Raven whispered. "No more alone."

"How the fu.....fudge has she done this while also being sick Doc?" Gabe corrected himself.

"Honestly I have no idea," Sean shook his head.

"Determination," Brandon said. "You know how she is when she's set her mind on something. She is determined to give the girls the best life she can no matter what, even if it's without us. Plus, she wants to show us she can have a life without us. Think about it, when we had her we were always talking about how wonderful her life is with us, now she's showing us she can live without us and still have a good life. She had to learn independence and in doing so she became determined to show us what she can do without having to depend on us. She's determined to keep being independent now that she's learned how to be a single mother. Trust me, if she didn't feel like she absolutely had to come back to Oklahoma and get help from Oma while she battled this cancer then we wouldn't have known she was back much less found out about the girls. Think about how she managed to ghost us for five years after all. Determination can be both a blessing and a curse."

"Are we going to see about doing a DNA test to see who their fathers are?" Luke asked suddenly.

"Do we want to?" Sean asked. "I mean I can easily do it but do we want to know?"

"I no care," Raven whispered. "They my baby kittens."

"It doesn't matter to me," Victor shrugged. "We can or not either way they are mine."

"Same," Sean said. "But I can also understand wanting it down. I do have everyone's family health recorded and with Oma's health and now Pookie's health it would be good to know exactly who the girl's fathers are so we know what to be on the look out for."

"We just have to get her to agree," Corey said. "Do you have any ideas? Possibly Raven."

"Victor or North," Luke shrugged.

"Axel or Silas," Marc shrugged.

"Yeah there's five possibilities but brown eyes are dominant so it could be any of us and her brown eyes just dominated in the girls," Sean shrugged. "If she agrees then I will test."

"Maxie!" the girls squealed in excitement as they rushed to the door seeing Kota pull back up in the driveway and the golden retriever jumped out of the car.

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