Chapter 51

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"Fuck Babe," Brandon smirked as he came into Marc's room. "Look at all those sexy ass marks," he said picking her up out of the bed.

"Bam Bam," She whispered wrapping her arms around his neck. "I need food."

"Then let's get something to eat," he smiled as he carried her to her room. "The girls just woke also," he said as he grabbed a wet washcloth from her bathroom. He cleaned her up then grabbed a baggy t-shirt and some pajama pants. He helped her get dressed and just as he slid her shirt down over her there was a knock on the door.

"Ready for some food Peanut?" Nathan smirked, "Or are you full already?"

"Don't tease," Brandon chuckled, "or she may not let you play with her."

"Shit sorry Peanut," Nathan straightened up. "Are you ready for some breakfast?"

"Please Honey," She pouted, "will you carry me? My legs are all wobbly."

"Of course," Nathan smiled as he picked her up and helped her wrap her legs around him waist. She groaned and he chuckled, "You need to rest before we continue."

"Sorry," she whispered softly.

"Don't be," Brandon said as they entered the dining room. "You have been very busy, we got to take it easy on you until you are use to us again."

"Mommy!" the girls squealed as they ran into the dining room.

"NO RUNNING!" The guys said in unison causing the girls to burst into laughter.

"Where are my girls at?" Jess called out as she entered the mansion.

"ANNIE JESS!" They squealed running over to her.

"Hey Jess, what's up?" Kota asked as the rots followed right behind the girls.

"I'm stealing the girls and dogs for the day," She said matter of factly. "We are going to the zoo."

"YAY!!!!" The girls jumped around Jessica.

"Let's go get you ready," Gabe said as he took them to their room.

"They will need to eat breakfast first," North said and Jess nodded.

"Mom's going with me, we will get them food North."

"BYE MOMMY DADDIES!" They shouted as they rushed to hug everyone then pulled Jess out the door.

"They weren't even second guessing going with her," Ashley frowned.

"They are growing up," Kota smiled softly.

"Is it bad I miss the days they just wanted me?" She asked and Silas shook his head.

"They will always want you Angelos Mou but they are excited to have some time with Momma and Jess also. They will be back in a few hours for their naps and watch, they will be glued to your side then."

"Come eat Peanut," Nathan said gently leading her to his lap.

After breakfast he carried her back to his room so she could keep resting. He massaged her legs and pretty soon had her writhing under his touch. "Well, well, well, someone sure looks sexy," Brandon said coming into Nathan's room.

"Either join or go away," Nathan smirked as he finger fucking Ashley.

Brandon shut the door and locked it. "Suck my cock Babe," He said dropping his pants. "Fuck you feel so good," He groaned as he felt her moan around his cock.

"Taste so delicious," Nathan groaned as he licked his fingers clean. "Fuck I can't wait anymore," He stripped and thrust into her making her gasp around Brandon's cock. "Fuck you are so damn tight," Nathan groaned as he pounded into her. She gagged around Brandon so Nathan pulled out of her and made get on all fours. "Suck his cock," He demanded as he eased into her from behind. "Take his cock like the good girl you are," he groaned as he ran his fingers down her spine and worked her into a frenzy. "Damn Peanut you are such a good girl."

"Fuck I can't last much longer," Brandon groaned as he fucked her mouth. The moment Nathan came inside of her she came all of him. Brandon pulled out of her mouth and eased into her soaking pussy. "Fuck you feel so damn good Babe," he groaned as he fucked her with everything in him.

"Shit, I'm close again," She gasped as she clutched the sheets. "Please Brandon, I'm so close again, you feel so fucking good."

"Take it Babe," Brandon growled wrapping his hand around her throat. "Take my cock. Fucking cum!" he growled into her ear as he came which sent her off yet again.

"Sexy," Raven said from the door way as he watched everyone try to catch their breaths.

"Bear," She giggled. "Still love to watch I see."

"Da," He chuckled as he walked into the room and picked her up. "My Corey turn."

"Don't be too rough," Nathan called out.

Raven carried her into his room where she saw Corey was already laying in the bed. Raven laid her between him and Corey then started undressing her. Corey intertwined his fingers with hers and held her still while Raven worshipped her body then started gasping as he started kissing all over Corey's body as well. "Raven," They both gasped as Raven switched back and forth on kissing their bodies.

"Beautiful wife," he whispered in her ear before devouring her mouth. He pulled away when she was breathless and kissed Corey, "Sexy husband," Raven growled as he felt how soaked Ashley was. He picked her up and eased her down on Corey's cock. "Take husband's cock wife."

"Fuck," She gasped as Corey traced his finger up and down her spine while she faced Raven and rode Corey's cock slowly. "So good," she clutched Corey's hips as Raven licked her as she rode Corey's cock. "Raven, Corey, please, feel so good."

"She's so tight," Corey moaned as he stuck his finger in her ass making her groaned and ride him faster.

"Stop Wife," Raven commanded as Corey pulled his finger out and held her hips. Raven kissed her and slowly inserted his cock into her pussy with Corey's. "Take both cocks," He growled as she gasped. "Feel good my cock Corey cock in pussy. Fuck cocks so good Kitten, good girl good wife take both cocks." He groaned as they pounded into her.

"Raven, Corey, fuck, please, fuck, please," She gasped as she reached higher and higher.

"CUM," They growled as they came inside her, sending her over the edge.

She whimpered as they slowly pulled out of her. Raven held her as Corey went to get a washcloth to clean her up. Raven ran his fingers through her hair as she cuddled up against him. Once Corey got back in bed she wrapped his arm around her from behind and drifted off to sleep.

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