Chapter 28

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"Come on Girls, time to do your lesson," Kota said as he walked into their playroom.

"No yeah," Salem shook her head as she kept playing with her doll.

"Come on Girls," He said again. "You have some learning to do."

"Waiter," Nova shook her head and kept on playing.

"Not later Girls," Axel shook his head. "It's time to do your lessons."

"Mommy say waiter," Salem shook her head. "No do learn all day."

"Mommy told us that you have to do some learning every day," Marc said softly. "So, let's go get it done already then you can go back to playing with Belle and Rose."

"You also have dance class today, so we need to make sure you have everything ready for your class," Corey said as he looked up from his phone.

"No wearn," Nova shook her head. "No want."

"I know you may not want to," he sighed, "but you have to do your lessons. Mommy would be mad if we didn't work on your numbers and colors."

"Wan Mommy," Salem crossed her arms.

"Mommy is sleeping," Victor said as he came in. "Now come on pretty princesses do their lessons so they can become smart and rule their kingdoms."

"No wan," Salem shook her head. "No."

"What is going on in here?" Owen asked as he came into the room.

"The girls are not wanting to do their lessons," Kota said softly.

"Why not?" Silas asked.

"Wan Mommy," Nova glared at them.

"That is definitely Ashley right there," North chuckled at their little glares and pouts.

"Well Mommy is sleeping," Sean said softly. "We need to let her nap so she can get better."

"Why don't we get your lessons done with then we can show Mommy when she wakes up?" Silas asked and they looked at each other and burst into tears. They started screaming and crying at the top of their lungs uncontrollably. They guys looked at each other in shock and confusion.

"What the" Gabe started to ask but Luke covered his mouth in time.

"WAN MOMMY!" The girls shouted as they sobbed. "WAN MOMMY NOW!"

"That's enough Girls," Oma said calmly as she came into the room. "Now what is going on?"

"Oma!" They rushed into her open arms. "Daddies no see Mommy! Wan Mommy say no! Mean Daddies! Wan Mommy! No do learn wan Mommy!"

"Really now?" She asked forcing herself not to chuckle at the girls and the shocked looks on the men. "Let me know when you are done so we can talk." Once the girls calmed down she sat in the rocking chair and handed them each a tissue. "Now let me ask you something. What is Mommy doing?"

"Seeping," Nova pouted.

"What do you want to do when you don't feel good?" Oma asked softly.

"Seep," Salem pouted.

"So are Daddies really mean for not letting you go bother Mommy while she's napping?" She asked and they shook their heads sadly. "Now is there something you are supposed to be doing right now instead of arguing with your daddies?"

"No wanna do learning," Nova pouted and huffed.

"Wanna pay more," Salem huffed.

"And I want to rest but I can't because you are having a temper tantrum. Do I need to find time out spots for you because you don't want to listen to your daddies?"

"No," they shook their heads in sync.

"Do I need to tell Mommy how you are acting when she wakes up?" Oma asked.

"I already heard," Ashley said from the doorway. "Really Nova and Salem?"

"Mommy!" The girls started to rush over to her.

"No," She shook her head and they stopped then started pouting. "You promised you would be good girls for Daddies while I rest and you haven't been. You have been screaming and arguing. I want both of you to go to time out for not listening to your daddies, do you understand?"

"Yes Mommy," They said pouting.

"Put Belle and Rose down then go get your chairs right there until we can get your time out chairs from home and go to separate corners for four minutes right now," She commanded while trying to stay upright. "Kota set a timer for the girls. If they try to get up or start talking then restart their time. Do not get up from your chairs until your time is up. I am not happy with you right now Girls. Do not even try the restroom excuse either Girls. We will discuss this when your time is up."

The girls sat their dolls down and did as they were told.

"Let me help you go sit down Baby," North said walking over to her. "You need to rest."

"Can I just say that was hot?" Luke asked and she rolled her eyes. "What? It was."

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