Chapter 30

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"Oh Bunny," Luke pouted while trying to remain calm. "Let's get you in the bath and all cleaned up."

"Orry Addy," She said between sobs. "Orry."

"Oh it's okay Bunny," Luke said as he carried her to the closest bathroom. "Someone get Gabe please."

"I'm right here," Gabe yawned as he came up behind Luke. "What's going on? Oh poor Bunny," He pouted as he saw Salem and Luke both covered in throw up. "I think you need two baths."

"Why?" She asked trying to calm down. "I icky."

"That's why," Gabe said as he started the water to warm up. "The first one is just to get the icky off of you, then the second one will be a bubble bath that you can relax your hurt tummy in."

"Otay," She pouted as Gabe helped her out of Luke's arms.

"I'm going to get cleaned up, I'll come check on you later Bunny," He smiled down at her.

"Not too warm Gabe," Sean said coming into the bathroom, "She doesn't have a fever right now but if it's too warm it can trigger one."

"Got it Doc," Gabe nodded as he helped her get into the tub then used the shower head to start rinsing her off. He washed her hair then held it back as she threw up again. "Hey Doc," He called out and Sean reappeared. "She's throwing up again."

"Raven said that Nova is complaining of her throat, I'm going to let Ashley know," Sean nodded. "I want to take them to the hospital to run some tests."

"Ok Bunny, Sissy is sick too so let's get all cleaned up and we can check on her," Gabe said rubbing her back softly.

"Wan bubbles," She glared getting irritated. "you say bubbles."

"Give her bubbles," Sean said softly. "It will be a min before we do anything, I still have to check on Ashley and let her know what's going on."

"Ok Bunny," Gabe sighed, "I'll get you bubbles."

Sean left the room and headed to Ashley's room. He took a deep breath and tried to prepare himself for this fiasco. "She's going to want to come," Owen said appearing beside him.

"I know," Sean sighed, "that's what worries me but I also understand."

"Let's just talk to her and then go from there," Owen said softly. "We may need...."

"I'm right here," Silas said coming over to them. "I figured you might need my help with her."

Sean knocked then opened the door. "How is Salem?" Ashley asked as she lifted her head from the pillow. "Is she running a fever?"

"Pookie, we need to have a talk," Sean said seriously.

Ashley started to sit up and Silas came over to help her. She looked at the three of them, "You, Owen, and Silas. It must be serious. What's going on? Are the girls okay?"

Sean sat beside her while Owen sat on the foot of the bed. "I need you to listen to everything first Darling before speaking, please."

"What is going on?" Ashley said trying to remain calm. "Are the girls okay?"

"Salem is throwing up and Nova is complaining of her throat starting to hurt," Sean said and Ashley started to move her blanket away. "Ashley, let us care for the girls, please."

"I need to see them," Ashley shook her head. "They need me."

"Gabriel is giving Salem a bath since she threw up all over Luke," Sean said taking her hands in his. "Raven is holding Nova while Axel is making her a warm tea with honey to help her throat. The girls are being taken care of and neither one is crying or upset other than not feeling well. Please let us care for the girls. I am constantly going back and forth checking on them."

Ashley froze and looked up at him. "Let us do this Angelos Mou," Silas said softly.

"Please Darling," Owen begged, "Please stay in the room, we don't want to risk you catching whatever they have. It wouldn't be good if you got sick right now. Please Ashley," Owen begged causing Ashley to look up at him shocked by hearing her first name escape his lips.

She sighed and thought about it then nodded, "Be honest Sean, do you think it's just a stomach bug?"

"No I don't," Sean shook his head. "I've had a chance to look at Nova's throat and as red as it is, I think there's a high chance it could be strep."

"But you would have to take them to the hospital to run the tests to confirm it," She finished.

"Yes, I would," He nodded honestly. "But there's one more thing Ashley."

She sighed and looked away from them, "You want to do a DNA test on the girls as well."

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