Chapter 48

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"Either get in here and help me with her aftercare or go make sure the basement is ready," Owen ordered as he got up to head to the bathroom to get a wet washcloth.

"The basement is already ready," Sean smirked. "The girls are still sleeping and Corey already put a baby monitor down there so we can still keep an ear out for them. How are you feeling Pookie?" He asked as he gently lifted her from the bed.

"Mhmmm" She hummed as she curled into him.

"Come on Pookie, let's go visit everyone," Sean chuckled as she whined when Owen started cleaning her up. "Everyone is waiting for you," He beamed as he slid North's hoodie over her so she wouldn't be naked in case the girls woke and went searching for her.

"Mhmmm Sean," She moaned as she nuzzled into his neck. She started peppering soft kisses into his neck making him groan and tighten his hold on her.

"You are testing me Pookie," He warned causing her to giggle.

"No I'm not," She whispered into his ear, "I'm giving you my love."

"Ash," Sean warned as he stepped into the basement.

"What?" She pouted and he grinned then started kissing her.

"Time for me to give you my love," He whispered as he laid her down on the bed. She glanced around and saw the rest of the guys standing around grinning.

"You can touch each other but no one is cumming except inside Darling," Owen commanded as he sat in a chair beside the bed to watch.

"Fuck," Gabe groaned as he watched Sean start to kiss and lick all over her body.

"Sean," She gasped as he leaned over grabbed something from Owen then started kissing up her body again. Her eyes were closed so she could just feel him. Soon she felt something covering her eyes and when she opened she realized he put a blindfold over her. She hummed as he went back to kissing her softly. She reached out to touch him and he chuckled.

"Touch me all you want Pookie, I have missed your touch for far too long," Sean smiled as he kissed along her stretch marks. She tensed up when she realized where he was and he stopped. "Don't do that Ashley," He reached up and yanked the blindfold off of her. "Do not tense up, we love your body. Those marks show us you gave us miracles. Those are marks of honor. Your body is beautiful. Get up."

"What?" She asked shocked.

"Get up," He said sternly as he got off the bed. He held his hand out and she gently placed hers in his. He walked her over to the wall of mirrors and stood her in front of it. The team came and stood behind her. Sean placed his hands on her hips and spoke right into her ear, "Repeat after me Pookie. I am Beautiful."

"I am beautiful," She whispered.

"I am lovable," Gabe and Luke said sternly and she repeated it softly.

"I am enough," Kota and Marc said and she repeated it.

"I am worthy," Axel and Brandon said and she repeated it.

"I am loved," Victor and Corey said and she repeated it.

"I am safe," North and Raven said at the same time and she repeated it.

"I am yours," Nathan and Silas said in unison.

"I belong to all of you," She said softly.

"Good girl," Sean said as he turned her to face her. He slammed his lips onto her and picked her up. He carried her over to the nearest chair and once he sat down he eased into her. "Fuck Ash, you are so tight, take me just like that," he groaned as she slowly started to ride him.

"Sean," She gasped as he started slapping her ass. "Dr. Sean please," She begged as the fire caressed her skin. "Fuck you feel so damn good."

"That's it, Ash, take my cock just like the good girl you are," he said as he made her move faster. He moved his hand in between them and started rubbing her clit making her gasp and whimper.

"Please Dr Sean, please," She pouted as she bounced on his throbbing cock.

"Shit, I won't last much longer if you keep doing that," Sean groaned as he felt her clench even tighter around his cock. "Fuck Pookie," He moaned as he started moving against her even faster. "Cum," He commanded as he lost control and came inside her. She gasped and came just as he erupted inside of her. He kissed her with everything in him as she came all over him.

"Damn that was fucking hot," Gabe groaned as he held his weeping cock in his hand.

"Very," the rest of the guys gasped causing her to smile against Sean's panting chest. It was then that she noticed every single one of them had her name tattooed across their hearts.

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