Chapter 50

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"Here Princess," Victor said as he gently lifted her off North.

"Mhmm My Prince has arrived," She smiled softly as she wrapped her arms around Victor's neck and started kissing him.

"Yes, I have and Gabe has started us a bath," He chuckled as he kissed her while carrying her to the bathroom. "Oh hey Kota," he smirked as Kota walked into the bathroom with a few water bottles and some chocolate.

"Let me help," Kota said taking Ashley from Victor while Victor stripped then stepped into the bath. Kota handed Ashley back over but Ashley held onto Kota's hand and pouted. "What is it Ten? Want me to join in the bath with you and your prince?"

"Please?" She pouted and Kota started undressing. He stepped in to the bath with Victor and Ashley and she beamed then kissed his cheek. "Thank you 52."

"Welcome," He smiled as he put her legs in his lap. "Damn look at these love marks."

"I love them," She smiled as Victor gently touched each one of the marks on her neck and body.

"We love putting them on you," Victor smirked as he gently kissed along her neck.

"Prince," She gasped as he reached around and started playing with her breasts. "Please keep touching me," she whispered and he groaned.

"Oh we will," Kota smirked as he ran his fingers up her legs.

"Please, Victor, please Kota," She whispered as she arched into their touches even more. "Please."

"As you wish," Victor whispered as he slowly entered her ass and Kota moved between her legs to enter her as well. They worked in tandem until she was begging to cum. "Fuck you are perfect," Victor whispered in her ear. "I bet you are so close to cumming all over us aren't you Princess?"

"Please Victor," She gasped as she ran her fingers down Kota's back. "Kota, please."

"Not yet Ashley," Kota growled as he clutched Victor's hips. "Don't you cum yet."

"Please," She sobbed "Please."

"Cum," They ordered and held her as she shook as the fire erupted all over her. They felt her clench down on their cocks and lost control and erupted in her. "Such a good girl," They whispered as they held her in between them.

"Damn you flooded the floor," Axel chuckled as he came into the bathroom. "Gabe isn't going to be happy about this."

"Gabe wont care," Kota chuckled as he slowly eased out of her.

"True," Marc chuckled as he held out a towel for Ashley. "But it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and clean up the floor at least before he notices. Come on Beautiful, let's get some lotion on you."

She kissed Victor and Kota then stepped out of the tub into the towel Marc held out. Axel swooped her up and carried her to Marc's room since it was closer. He sat her on the bed and started drying her off while Marc came in with a bottle of lotion. Axel had her lay down on her stomach while they worked on rubbing lotion all of her skin. She moaned in appreciation as they worked out some spots where she was tense. Before she knew it she was a puddle of goo in their hands.

"Wolfy, Bean" She gasped as they smirked. "Please quit teasing."

"Oh we are just beginning," Axel smirked as he feasted on her lower lips. "Now be still or Marc is going to get his ropes that he loves so much."

"Wolfy," She sobbed as he continued to tease her. Just as she would get close, he would stop feasting. "Please stop being so mean." She reached out to move his head back where she wanted him and he grabbed her hand then tsked.

"Marc, the ropes," Axel smirked. "I said be still Doll."

"Got it," Marc smirked watching her eyes light up when he came back with her favorite purple rope. "Remember this Beautiful?"

"I thought I would never see it again," She whispered honestly as she sat up.

"Remember the rules?" Marc asked as he stopped in front of her.

She nodded, "Use my colors and don't be afraid to use them."

"Good girl," Axel smiled and kissed her softly as Marc started weaving the purple rope around her body in a beautiful design. "Color?"

"Green" She smiled relishing in feeling the rope against her skin once more.

"Here's the knot to undo it if you need to," Marc said placing her hand over a knot on her back above her tailbone. "Color?"

"Yellow," She gasped as she realized she couldn't move her wrists. "My wrists."

Marc made some adjustments and she smiled when she realized there wasn't so much pressure as before. "Color?"

"Green," She beamed and they smiled.

"Damn, you are so beautiful," Marc whispered as he ran his fingers over her body.

"I need you both please," She moaned as Axel moved her back and forth over his weeping cock. "Please."

"Fuck," Marc growled as he slid her onto Axel's cock. He smirked hearing her gasp then grabbed the rope and slowly entered her ass. "Fuck Beautiful, so fucking good," He growled as he alternated thrusts with Axel. They moaned hearing her gasps and moans as they worshipped her body.

"Please," She gasped, "Please, I'm so close, your cocks feel so good. Please."

"Cum!" They growled as they pinned her between them and kissed each other sending her over the edge. "Good girl," They whispered as they undid the ropes and kissed all over her body.

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