Chapter 36

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I will most likely not be on in the next few days, I am having dental work done tomorrow. It will just depend on what they have to do on my mouth to treat these exposed nerves and how I heal on when I will be able to work on these stories again. I will continue working on them as soon as I can, sorry for the delays but I promise I will work on them just as soon as I feel up to it.

There was a knock on her bedroom door and she sat her cross stitching pattern down, "Come in," She called out and Raven walked into the room. "Raven?" She asked confused since he tended to just walk in without knocking.

"Here," He frowned as he handed his phone over to her. "I in trouble."

"You're in trouble?" She asked perplexed and took the phone from him. She looked at the screen and gasped in shock. She brought her fingers up to her mouth and tears instantly filled her eyes. "Mommy? Daddy?" She asked as some tears slipped free as she looked into the facetime of Raven's parents.

"DAUGHTER!" They shouted in excitement and she giggled while crying. They started talking in Russian really fast and Raven sat at the foot of her bed while shaking his head.

"Oh my sweet daughter," Natasha smiled and wiped a few tears of her own off her face. "I miss you too much! Daughter okay?"

"Da Daughter okay?" Aleksandr asked concerned. "Raven no tell you back deep trouble."

"Oh Mommy Daddy," Ashley smiled getting herself together. "He doesn't need to be in trouble. We aren't exactly back together, I'm only staying here while I recover from surgery."

"What?" They asked in shock.

"Well, I had ovarian cancer so I had to have hysterectomy and while I was leaving one of my doctor's appointments I ran into Sean so that's how they found out I was back in Oklahoma. They pretty much forced me to come stay with them while I recover from the surgery," She admitted. "They all have been pretty pushy about trying to be a family again but I just haven't been able to forgive them yet for not giving me a chance to defend myself even though I was innocent in the whole thing."

"All boys trouble," Natasha shook her head and tsked. "So no babies?"

"Well about that," Ashley bit her lip. "I have something to tell you Mommy and Daddy."

"What?" they asked confused.

"After the guys broke up with me I found out I was pregnant. I tried to tell them but they wouldn't let me talk to them so I decided I would never tell them. Well, that plan is out of the picture now. While I am recovering they are learning how to be fathers to my twin girls."

"Two girls?" Natasha gasped in excitement and Ashley nodded.

"They are sick with strep right now so I can't show you but I do have pictures of Nova and Salem."

"Nova and Salem," Aleksandr said and nodded. "I see pictures of granddaughters. Make Raven learn hard stuff be father."

Ashley giggled, "They are pretty much refusing to let me do anything right now and learning hands on how to handle two sick little four year olds on their own. They are doing good though."

"Good," Natasha smiled softly. "Daughter okay?"

"I'm okay," Ashley nodded sadly at them. "I'm trying to let them parent and recover but it's been hard."

"Da," Natasha nodded. "You Mommy now, you care all own so long, it hard but Raven and boys need learn also. Glad make them learn hard days like sick, do them good for be stupid."

Ashley burst out laughing while Raven glared but then smiled seeing her happy. "So how did you find out I am staying here?"

"Call Son," Aleksandr said honestly. "I see woman hoodie on chair, I get on for stupid date stupid woman no daughter. He yell it daughter's I say I no believe so he say prove. I tell is daughter he trouble no tell us."

"It is mine," She nodded, "I left it in there after watching TV with him for little bit. Look Mommy Daddy," She pulled up a picture of the girls and showed them. "There's the girls."

"Send us," Natasha beamed, "Same number. Send lots pictures. We come see once better."

"Oh please Mommy Daddy," Ashley pouted, "I have missed you so much. It hurt not being able to talk to you anymore after they broke my heart. I wanted to tell you so bad about the girls but I thought you wouldn't believe me like the guys. But I recorded everything so you can see all the videos and look through all the books when you come visit."

"Oh stupid sons," Aleksandr rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I give good punishment we visit."

"Don't be too hard Daddy," Ashley giggled, "They have already been thrown up on and had to clean up the girls beds from them having accidents while they are sick. The girls have also had some tantrums and melt downs from being away from me so they have had their hands full."

"Still in trouble," Aleksandr nodded but laughed, "but no too hard. Still broke Daughter's heart."

"Okay," Ashley beamed and sighed, "Oh how I have missed you so much."

"Miss Daughter too," Natasha smiled sadly. "I tell Raven all time find you."

"Well I kind of went ghost after they broke up with me," Ashley admitted, "I made it very difficult for them to find me. I think if I hadn't ran into Sean at the hospital we wouldn't be here with them and I wouldn't be talking to you right now."

"Good go ghost, serve them right," Aleksandr nodded then sighed, "but glad they find you too." Someone came in and started talking to him and she watched him go serious. "Daughter have go. Go visit soon."

"Okay Daddy, be careful please," She nodded and kissed the phone.

"Always," He said then hung up the phone.

Ashley sighed and handed the phone back to Raven. "Thank you Raven, I didn't realize just how much I missed them until now. I mean I did miss them but I didn't think it was so deep until now."

"Da," Raven nodded. "See phone? I send pictures you go back craft." She nodded and patted the spot next to her on her bed. He took his shoes off and got in bed with her. She turned her show back on and handed him her phone then picked up her cross stitching again. After some time he saw her hoop start to drop and he glanced down, she was falling asleep. He gently took it from her and moved everything to the nightstand on his side. He shifted her until she was laying down them smiled when she curled up against him and put her arm across his stomach.

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