Chapter 23

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(Let me say from the get go, I have never had this done, I am merely speculating from what I have read on Google and imagined. Sorry if it is not accurate, I'm just making it up as I go.)

"Alright Girls, I want you to mind Oma while I go get my tummy fixed, okay?" Ashley said as she hugged the girls tightly. She didn't want to leave them but she knew this was necessary.

"Otay Mommy," They said in sync. "Wub you."

"I love you two very much," She said as she kissed them and hugged them again.

"Okay, it's time to go," Dr. Jones and Dr. Johnson said as they came into the hospital room.

Ashley nodded and waved to the girls as the doctors rolled her out of the room and into the hallway. One of the nurses put the mask over her mouth and nose and before she knew it, she was fast asleep.

Some time later, Ashley started to stir but then whimpered as pain erupted all over her stomach. "Easy Pookie," a deep voice surrounded her. She opened her eyes and saw Sean leaning over. "One second Pookie and it will start to go away, I promise."

"Dr. Sean," She slurred then pouted. "Hurt. Make stop hurting."

"I know Pookie, but the medicine will kick in soon and it won't hurt as much, I promise," he said as he held her hand and ran his fingers through her hair. He hated seeing her this way but at least she wasn't pushing him away right now so he cherished while he could. He knew once she was really coherent she would be mad they were there and put her walls back up.

"Is she awake?" Dr. Johnson asked as he came into the room.

"She just woke," Sean nodded. "Is it normal for her to be in this much pain? What exactly did she have done? Can you tell me anything? I will be caring for her during her recovery so I need to know."

"Hey Ashley," Dr. Johnson smiled as he came over to her. "Is your mind still groggy?"

"No," She mumbled as she leaned into Sean's hand some more. "Just hurt. How did it go?"

"Well, I wanted to check on you before I had to leave. The hysterectomy was a success and further tests show no signs of any cancerous cells left, it was a complete success," Dr. Johnson said as he made some notes. "I want you to stay here for a couple of days just to make sure you are recovering okay and to monitor the flare up Dr. Jones says you will definitely experience due to the trauma your body has gone through. Then depending on how you are doing will determine how much longer you will be here or if you will be able to go home. It will normally take around 8 to 12 weeks for recovery but with you and the flare up you will undoubtedly have it can take up to six months for a complete recovery. It will just depend on how your body reacts unfortunately. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand. It sucks but I'll manage. I'm just glad you were able to get all the cancerous tumors out. Thank you," She mumbled as she shook his hand. "Thank you so much."

"You are very welcome, I'll have them bring you some light soup in just a little bit but take it easy. It will be okay if you have no appetite right now. I mainly want you to rest and monitor your pain," He said as he made a couple more notes then left.

"You had a hysterectomy?" Sean asked shocked.

"What's that?" Gabe asked.

"It means they removed her uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes," Kota explained. "She won't be able to have any more children."

She turned her head to see the whole team in her room. "What are all of you doing here?" She turned to see Sean standing by her bed. "Sean? How? What?"

"We didn't want you to be alone Cupcake," Luke said softly. "Once we knew you were okay a few of us were going to go pick up Oma and the girls then head home so we can help her with the girls. We just wanted to be here for you. Please don't be mad."

"How did you know?" She asked as she let go of Sean's hand.

"Oma told us," Owen admitted. "She isn't feeling that well so she asked us to help with the girls and said she felt that Sean would be better suited to care for you while you recover. She is in a flare up."

"Oh," She mumbled. "I'll argue with you on that later, too tired and hurt too much right now."

"I can't wait," he barely smirked.

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