Chapter 14

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Luke opened the door and glanced around, "I think they are still asleep," he whispered as he held the door open for everyone to come in.

Sean headed down the hall and quietly entered her room. He watched her sleep for a few seconds then pushed some hair out of her face. She instantly woke up and flinched away. She sighed in relief when she realized it was Sean. "Sean," She groggily whispered as she yawned.

"Hey Pookie," he whispered. "Everyone is here."

"Okay," she whispered closing her eyes. She sat up and pushed weakly at him, "Move," She commanded and he stood. She rushed to the bathroom and a few minutes later she came back into the room. She groaned as she crawled back into bed. "What time?" She yawned as she tried to shift to get comfortable. She whimpered in pain before turning her heating pad on to see if it will help.

"It's six in the morning," Sean whispered softly.

"The girls will wake in about thirty minutes," She whispered the got up to go to the bathroom again. She saw the look on Sean's face when she came out of the bathroom. She sighed, "The tumors make me go to the bathroom frequently. Also causes back pains, fatigue, makes me feel bloated and full all the time, things like that. I'll manage, I'm just exhausted right now."

"Well, thank you for calling us to help," he whispered as he covered her back up.

"Called Oma first," She said as she tried to get comfortable.

"Yes, but you still called us when she wasn't able to help you," he nodded, "and we appreciate it and appreciate you letting us attempt to help."

"Hey Beautiful," Marc said walking into the room, "What would you and the girls like for breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry," she said shifting to try and ease the back pain.

"Get Silas in here," Sean said softly to Marc. "He may be able to help you get comfortable."

"Maybe," she whispered. "The girls usually just eat cereal."

"Well I was going to make eggs, pancakes, things like that," Marc shrugged. "Will they eat that?"

"Yeah, on my good days when I can make breakfast they love runny eggs, blueberry muffins, chocolate chip pancakes, sliced mixed fruit, and sausage patties. They don't like waffles or oatmeal. They can not have orange juice, it upsets their stomachs and Nova likes chocolate milk while Salem likes princess pink milk. I'm sure if you just ask they will tell you or help you," she whispered as she drifted off to sleep.

Marc nodded then left. A few seconds later Silas came and gently knocked on the door. "You wanted me Doc?" Silas whispered.

"She can't get comfortable," Sean whispered as he watched her shift in her sleep again. "Maybe you can help her ease some of her pain. You use to be able to comfort her. She has a heating pad but maybe you can help also. She is going to go to the bathroom a lot also so we need to make sure the pathway is clear so she doesn't trip on anything. She is so exhausted so she may lose her balance as well."

"Got it," he whispered as he slipped his shoes off and carefully got into bed with her. She whimpered as the mattress shifted but once he laid beside her, she rolled off her heating pad and curled up against him. Sean reached over and turned off the heating pad and removed it off the bed. "Did you give her some of her pain meds?"

Sean shook his head, "She can't take them on an empty stomach, I need her to eat first."

"Mommy!" Sean and Silas looked over to the door as the girls burst into the room. "Daddies?" they asked confused seeing them in Ashley's room.

"Hey Girls," Luke whispered as he came down the hall.

"Daddies?" They asked confused turning to see the rest of the guys come up behind Luke.

"Mommy isn't feeling well right now," Axel said as he knelt down to the girls' level. "She called us to come spend the day with you so she can get better, will that be okay?"

"Oma?" Nova asked nervously.

"Oma is at a doctor's appointment and will be very tired when she gets back," Sean said softly.

"Speaking of which we need to ask when her appointment is over so one of us can pick her up," Kota said softly.

"Wupis doctor?" Salem asked and Sean nodded. "Snackie time come home. No call Oma jis tex Oma."

"Okay," Axel nodded. "Thank you for letting us know."

"Come on Girls," Marc smiled softly. "Why do you go show Daddy Gabe your clothes and let him help you get dressed while I make us some breakfast? We need to be quiet though so Mommy can sleep."

"Otay," they nodded and headed back to their room.

Gabe said something that made the girls squeal in laughter causing Ashley start to stir awake. "Shhh," Silas whispered softly into her ear as he wrapped his arm around her. "We got the girls, go back to sleep Angelos Mou," he whispered, "we got them, you rest."

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