Chapter 45

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Owen froze for a split second when her soft barely there lips touched his and then he wrapped his fingers into her hair and pulled her closer, holding her close to him. Her gasp allowed him to show her exactly how he felt. He could tell she was still very nervous so he had to restrain himself and allow her to take control for once but he swore it would only be this one time. He felt her nibble on his bottom lip and a groan escaped as she clutched his jacket and deepened the French kiss. A soft whimper slipped out of her as he barely pulled back and chuckled.

She started peppering him with soft kisses, "Don't" kiss "break" kiss "my" kiss "heart" kiss "ever" kiss "again" kiss "I" kiss "mean" kiss "it."

He removed his fingers from her hair and wrapped them around her waist, "Never ever again Darling," he whispered as he stared into her eyes. "We swear it."

"I mean it Owen," She said regaining control of her emotions. She wasn't sure what came over her but that kiss ignited something inside her soul she thought was lost forever. "I won't—"

He bent down and kissed her again. She moaned softly and wrapped her arms around his neck. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist. She felt him walking and whimpered as he pulled back so they could breathe.

"Don't worry Darling, tonight we are going to show you just how much we have missed you," he chuckled as she pouted when he wouldn't kiss her anymore. She tensed up and he stopped and frowned, "What is it?"

"I.....I don't know," She whispered as she slid out of his grasp.

"Hey," he held her firm. "You aren't worried about your body are you?" She looked away and he gently cupped her chin and made her look at him. "We haven't been with anyone since you Ashley. We don't want to be with anyone other than each other and you. We know your body has changed, you had our daughters, and I know for a fact we love your body. North has finally stopped complaining about you being too skinny, we love your curves. But if you aren't ready for that step then it's fine. You are in control how far we go tonight. We can still show you love with just cuddles and kisses. We just want to show you how much we have missed you and how much we love you. You set the pace on how far we go. You are in control for once."

"Oh Owen," She whispered and kissed him softly.

"I want kisses," Luke whined causing Ashley to burst into laughter. "What? I do!"

"Come here my sweet ninja," Ashley held her arms open and Luke picked her up then swung her around causing her to giggle some more. "Oh Luke," She whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him softly. Once he was sure she was breathless he pulled away and hugged her so tight she thought he was going to suffocate her for a split second.

"Goddamn Baby," North breathed after he pulled out of his kiss with her, "I never thought I would get this again. I love you so fucking much Baby." He gently touched her swollen lips and groaned as he restrained himself.

Each one of them kissed her with everything in them and when she finally reached Raven who was last, he grabbed her and kissed her so softly she was thrown for a loop. She expected him to be demanding like he normally was, but this kiss was so soft and gentle it caused the fire in her from all their kisses to be explode and she felt tingly all over. He was kissing her so gently and treating her like she was made of glass and could break at any moment. Once she was sure she was floating, he pulled away, stared into her eyes and whispered roughly, "Я люблю тебя наша жена YA lyublyu tebya nasha zhena."

"What?" She whispered and he smiled softly.

"I love you our wife," he whispered as he pulled her to his chest and held her.

"I love all of you too," She said holding on to him. "I can't run from it anymore. It scares me but I'm trying to take a leap of faith and forgive and take chance to not be hurt from all of you anymore."

"No hurt Kitten no more," He growled into her hair. "No lose family." She shivered and he tightened his grip on her. "Come home."

She sighed and nodded, "Let's go home."

"Best thing I've heard you say," Owen said as she reached out of his hand. He gently squeezed and she smiled softly as they walked to the cars.

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