Chapter 39

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"Where oh where can two little girls be?" Luke asked then smiled hearing their giggles up in the loft.

"What's going on in here?" Nathan asked curiously as he entered the barn.

"We are looking for two little girls that decided it was play time instead of breakfast time," Luke explained while looking up to the loft with his eyes.

Nathan barely nodded in acknowledging Luke's motions. "Oh really?" Nathan asked, "I guess I better help you look for them then, they could possibly be hurt or get hurt."

"Oy, where are Bunny and Care Bear?" Gabriel asked coming out to the barn.

"They are playing hide and seek at the moment," Nathan smirked then looked up to the loft. "We are looking for them, they are very good at hiding."

"Well, then I guess they don't want to help me make something for Mommy to help her get better," He smirked as little gasps came up from above them.

"Wanna hep Mommy," They said in unison as they stood to at the edge of the loft. "Catch us Daddies!"

"Be careful!" Luke, Nathan, Victor, and Gabe said at the same time.

"We are," The girls giggled and bounced up and down.

"Please get away from the edge," Victor said trying to remain calm.

"Cach us Daddies," Nova laughed as she jumped off the edge.

Luke bit back a curse as he moved and caught Nova then held her to his chest.

"Cach Daddies," Salem giggled as she jumped off the edge.

Nathan caught her and held her to his chest just like Luke. "Let's not do that again, okay?" Nathan suggested, "Mommy wouldn't like it if both of you got hurt."

"You cach us Daddies," Salem giggled. "We safe."

"Come on Girls," Gabe said trying to keep his heart from bursting out of his chest. "Let's go work on Mommy's present and we do NOT tell Mommy what just happened."

"No series," Nova pouted.

"I know no secrets but let's just not tell her right now," Gabe suggested, "how about that?"

"Otay," they nodded as they clung to Nathan and Luke.

"Are you two done playing now?" North asked as they all came in.

"Yep," they giggled as they popped their p's. "We hungee Daddy," they pouted and North rolled his eyes then shook his head.

"You two look just like Mommy when you do that," he said as he made them two plates of blueberry pancakes then started spreading peanut butter on them.

"We know," They giggled as Luke and Nathan carried them over to the sink to wash their hands.

"Should I ask?" North whispered to Victor.

"They decided the best way to get down from the loft was to jump off the edge seconds after yelling Catch us Daddies," he whispered back and North rolled his eyes.

"I swear it's going to be like Baby and Luke mixed into two little girls," North sighed. "We thought we had our hands full with Luke but if now? Sean may have to prepare for lots of visits."

"Just don't tell Princess," Victor whispered. "We don't know how she will react."

"Why am I going to have prepare for lots of visits?" Sean asked coming into the kitchen.

"Come with me Doc," Victor said leading him back out of the kitchen. A few moments later they heard Sean burst into laughter.

"Funny Daddy?" Nova asked with a mouth full of food as Victor and Sean came back into the kitchen.

"Oh just something Daddy Victor told me," Sean said as he kissed the top of both of their heads. "What are we having for breakfast?"

"Daddy mate booberry cates," Salem said after she drank some apple juice.

"Oh yummy," Sean smiled as he sat across from them. "Can I have some?"

They nodded and North sat a plate down in front of Sean. About halfway through Sean's phone rang and he answered it, "Dr. Green speaking." He looked down at the girls and winked, "Alright I'll be right in." He hung up the phone and sighed, "I'm sorry Bunny and Care Bear but I have to go into work and save some people that got hurt. I will see you tonight, can you do me a favor?" They nodded and he smiled, "Can you make sure Mommy stays in bed and rests?" They nodded and he kissed the top of their heads, "Thank you Bunny and Care Bear. Love you two."

"Wub you Daddy," They said in unison and waved as he grabbed the lunch bag North handed him.

"I will never get tired of hearing that," Sean beamed as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Neither will we," North whispered as he watched Luke, Victor, and Nathan sit down with the girls.

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