Chapter 31

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"Strictly for medical reasons," Sean nodded. "If I have to run additional tests on the girls, I could use who ever is the father's permission instead of having to bother you if you are sleeping or busy in the future not that I wouldn't notify you anyway because you know I would but if the fathers were already here with the girls and you were on the way they could give permission."

"It would also help to go ahead and know the medical history on their sides so we could know what runs in the family and be on the lookout," Owen nodded.

"You're talking like you aren't their fathers," She pouted and they smiled softly.

"Ashley, I think it's safe to say Owen and I aren't the fathers," Sean shook his head. "There's no signs of us in those girls genetic wise."

"That's not true," Ashley shook her head. "Nova has a passion for learning and caring for others, I could see the way her wheels were turning her head as she was listening to your stethoscope this morning. And Salem is driven when her mind is made up and that stare of hers at times is definitely Owen."

"All of us are the girls fathers Angelos Mou," Silas nodded in agreement, "but can you honestly tell me you have never thought about knowing who for sure."

"No I haven't," She shook her head.

"Because you were scared we would start to play favorites or try and take them?" Silas asked bluntly and she nodded honestly.

"How about this," Sean said as an idea came to him. "What if we run the tests and only I know?"

"But what if you have some recessive genes that passed down and you are the father?" Ashley threw back at him. "I don't want favorites, it's just better to not know so there isn't any chance of favorites."

"You know you had favorites with us and still loved us all the same at the same time," Owen pointed out and she shook her head.

"I did not," She denied and they all chuckled.

"Yes you did Darling," Owen let slip a smile. "It didn't bother us one bit." He saw her start to deny so he explained, "Answer me this honestly, who did you go to for cuddles?"

"Silas," She admitted after a few moments.

"And who did you go to when you wanted to read or hear a story read out loud?"

"Kota," she admitted.

"And baking?"

"Okay I get it," she held up her hands. "Can you honestly promise me that even with the knowledge the girls will be treated equally from everyone even the biological father?"

"Yes," Owen nodded. "We all love the girls the same and it won't change even with the DNA results. All of us will treat the girls just the same, both girls are all ours, like you said some of all of us are in both of them, nothing will change that."

"Fine," Ashley nodded. "I give you permission to take the girls to the hospital and find out what's wrong with them and get DNA tests done. Just please keep me updated."

"I'll stay here with you and Sean will notify me as soon as he gets any results," Owen said removing his tie while Sean and Silas stood.

"Thank you Pookie," Sean said kissing her forehead. "I promise to keep you updated."

Just then there was a knock on the door and Corey stuck his head in, "Hey Doc, Nova is now throwing up. She made it to the toilet in time but Gabe said Salem is starting to feel warm."

"Sean," Ashley said grabbing his hand. "The girls are allergic to penicillin."

"Got it," he nodded and squeeze her hand. "We will take good care of them, I promise."

"Help Gabe get them ready to go to the hospital. Make sure we get Belle and Rose," Sean said slipping out of the room with Silas following.

"The girls will be okay, Darling," Owen said getting in bed with her.

"Oh I know they will be," she nodded honestly. "Nothing can hurt them with thirteen of you surrounding them. But still..."

"It's your first time relying on someone else to care for them and not you," Owen offered and she nodded. "You will still care for them though," Owen explained, "You let Sean know about their allergies. They are going to keep you updated so if you notice something you can let them know. You will be there every step of the way just not physically. I know it's not the same but you are still involved."

"Thank you," She whispered as she got out of the bed and walked over to the bay window seat and watched as they loaded up in the cars and left.

Sure enough the girls had strep and Sean was getting medicine for them. Just as he got the medicine his phone beeped with a notification. He facetimed Owen and Ashley, "I put in a rush order and I have the DNA results for the girls."

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