Chapter 12

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"Well, I didn't know that Daddies would be here so I didn't make enough dinner for everyone. Another time so I can make sure we have enough, okay?" She asked.

"What time is dinner time Girls?" Nathan asked.

"Mommy?" Salem asked.

"Six," Ashley forced her tone to be neutral.

"What are you making?" Marc asked.

"Vegetable stew," She sighed.

"Can we have the key to house?" Axel asked. "Marc can go to the store and get the stuff to make enough for everyone."

"I promise no one will go through you stuff," Silas whispered in her ear. "I will make sure of it."

"Peas Mommy?" Nova asked and Ashley smiled then handed Silas her house key.

"We will only be gone an hour and half at the most depending on traffic," Ashley said as she buckled up the girls. "And Oma will be joining."

"Have fun Girls, we can't wait to hear all about your class," Corey smiled softly at them then closed the girls' door then Ashley's.

She pulled into their class and sent a quick text to Oma telling her what was going on before she walked the girls in.

An hour and fifteen minutes later she pulled back into the driveway and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She saw the men come out on her porch and opened the back passenger door for the girls. "Here you Girls," she said as she handed Salem her cell phone. "Go show Oma, enjoy your cookies and I will go get your bath and pjs ready."

She watched the girls walk over to Oma's house who was waiting for them on her porch. She waved and Ashley waved back once the girls were inside her house. She took a deep breath then grabbed the girls' bags and headed up to her house.

"How was their class?" Owen asked as he opened the door for her.

"Great," she said calmly as sat her backpack purse down on the table with her keys. She sighed and headed to her room. She undid her ponytail then headed to the bathroom. She grabbed her pain pill then headed to the kitchen.

"How are you feeling?" Sean asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she said crudely as she took the pill with a water bottle. "Excuse me," she mumbled as she headed to the hall bathroom. She started a bath then opened the cabinet to pull out the container of bath toys and bath crayons. She set out towels then headed to their room to grab their pajamas and house slippers.

"Is there anything we can do to fucking help?" Gabe asked as he stood in the doorway.

"No thank you," she said as she headed back to the bathroom to set the clothes on the counter and turn off the water. "I am used to doing this by now. And watch your mouth, I do NOT tolerate foul language around my girls."

She walked past him and he nodded, "I'll work on it."

She grabbed her house phone and called Oma to let her know that the girls' bath was ready. "Dinner will be ready in about thirty minutes," Marc called out and she rolled her eyes then relayed the message.

"Okay thanks," She hung up then stepped out on the porch. She watched the girls run over and hugged them tightly when they reached her. "Come on, let's get you all cleaned up."

Just as dinner was done the bathroom door opened and the girls came out all clean in their matching pajamas and hair washed and braided.

"Dinner is ready," Marc called out as the girls raced to get their dolls. Ashley headed to the kitchen but Marc said, "I already got Belle and Rose's food as well."

"Oh," Ashley froze then beamed when Oma walked through the door.

Dinner was awkward but the team enjoyed listening to the girls tell them all about their ballet class and their teacher and other girls. Ashley forced herself to have a smile as the girls rambled on about their favorite colors and all about Belle and Rose.

She ate half her bowl then pushed it away. North started to say something but the glare on her face and the gentle shake from Sean and Silas made him close his mouth.

"Bull Mommy?" Salem asked and Ashley nodded.

"Yes My Love, remember Mommy's tummy problems make me not that hungry anymore but I promise I will eat more if I get hungry again," Ashley said as she kissed her daughter's forehead.

"Otay," Salem smiled then went back to eating.

After dinner the team watched as the girls played in their playroom, "Okay Girls, Mommy is going to do some work, until it's bedtime." The girls nodded and Ashley headed to back to the dining room. She pulled out her sewing machine case and set it up. She then headed over to the closet in the dining room and pulled out a half pinned quilt. She set a timer on her phone then got started on finishing the quilt.

"You doing okay?" Oma asked as she sat beside her.

"No but I'll manage," Ashley said honestly.

They worked together quietly until her timer went off. "Clean up the room Girls, then one story tonight and bedtime," She said from the doorway.

"Daddies weed peas?" Salem asked and Ashley nodded.

"Okay but only one story then bedtime," she smiled and kissed the girls before going back to making the quilt for her customer.

A little while later the team came into the dining room and sighed, "Well..." Luke started to say but Ashley interrupted without looking up.

"Thanks for putting the girls to bed but you can now leave. Good night," she effectively dismissed them.

"Good night Darling," Owen said as the team left defeated.

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