Chapter 19

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"Of course we do," Owen nodded.

"Why would you stay in that house after you broke up with me?" She asked confused.

"It didn't feel right to move out after we spent so much time building it," Silas shrugged. "It was our dream house too after all."

"But you built it mainly with my input," She frowned.

"Yes we did," Axel nodded.

"So it doesn't make sense for you to stay in it after you broke up with me," She shook her head. "It would make more sense for you to tear it down and rebuild to your wants or sell it and move to a different house. It doesn't make any sense."

"Fucking hell Trouble," Gabe sighed and rolled his eyes at her glare. "We didn't want to move on. Once we fucking calmed down we realized that it didn't make fucking sense for you to cheat on us. We tried to find you after we realized that it wasn't making sense but you had gone fucking ghost on us. We tried searching for you but we couldn't fucking find you."

"You taught me how to go ghost," She shrugged.

"A little too well," Luke pouted and she rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, we were so fucking excited when Doc called saying you bumped into him at the hospital," Gabe said. "We thought this would be our second chance to try and apologize and make things right."

"We will see," She sighed as she moved to sit down, "I do appreciate the help but I can't say I forgive you yet. You didn't even give me the chance to defend myself against the lies. You instantly believed the pictures and video and didn't give me a chance to defend myself. You said you loved me but you didn't show it. For being Academy, you definitely didn't honor family first."

"We know," North nodded, "we are so sorry Baby. We can say sorry every day for the rest of our lives but it won't change anything and we know that. We will spend the rest of our lives trying to prove our worth to you and to the girls."

"I just don't understand how you can believe your obsessed stalker over me," She shook her head. "You knew how she felt about you and you still believed her over me. How am I supposed to believe that you even ever loved me when you could so easily believe her over me and didn't give me to chance to prove my innocence?"

"All I can say is that we were goddamn fucking stupid," Gabe shook his head.

"The pictures and video looked real," Victor said falling to his knees in front of her. "They looked real upon first glance, Princess, we saw them and just saw red. That's all I can say, I'm sorry. Looking back I can just say we were young and I have to admit at times I felt like I wasn't enough for you. Kaylie was very manipulative and knew how to play on our weaknesses when it came to you."

"You were at your classes for so long Peanut," Nathan sighed, "and you forgot your phone so many damn times and with your classes sometimes ending early or running late it was always hard to know when we needed to pick you up."

"So it's my fault now?" She asked starting to get mad.

"No absolutely not," Owen shook his head. "We're trying to explain how we were thinking back then, that's all. We were so in love with you, we were practically obsessed. We wanted to be with you every second of every day. It made us mad when you weren't around and were trying to be independent. It made us feel like you didn't want to be with us anymore, that's why we were constantly talking about how wonderful our lives were with you. If we had our way back then you never would leave our sights. She took that and twisted it to play on our insecurities."

"So stupid," She shook her head and they nodded.

"We were," Sean nodded. "We were incredibly stupid. Looking back now, especially after seeing the proof you gave us, we were so stupid."

"Staying in the house is a way of punishing myself for pushing you away," North admitted softly. "It is a constant reminder of how foolish I was for believing the doubts instead of listening to you."

"Da," Raven nodded. "North right, remind me hurt Kitten."

"You called him North," She gasped softly.

"He hasn't called North South and North hasn't called him Crow since we lost you," Kota admitted.

"Wow," She whispered.

"Will you please just think about going back to the house once the girls wake up?" Owen asked softly.

"Yes there's more room but Sean can keep an eye on both you and Oma better and Gabe and you can start planning rooms for the girls as well," Kota said softly.

"Please Darling?" Owen asked.

She sighed and opened her mouth to answer.


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