Chapter 35

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"Yes we almost did," Corey said as he came into the room. "A few of us refused to believe the footage after we calmed down while some of us kept trying to say we had proof. It was a dark time for us and then it just made us angry at ourselves when we couldn't find you no matter what we tried. We even tried calling in favors but there was just no trace of you. We were so angry at the ones that was believing the footage and we were also blaming ourselves so yeah, we almost split but then after about a year or two of just being so pissed we had a family meeting and decided that if we were ever going to try and figure out what you were trying to call us about we had to get over our anger and stick together. You always did say we were better as a family then as individuals so we had to stick together."

"Wow," She whispered as she turned away from them.

"I originally came in to tell you that the girls are sleeping and Sean gave them some more medicine to help with their fevers," Corey said softly.

"Okay," She nodded and then turned back to working on the quilt. "You can tell Owen that if he wants he can look into the business but he is not going to start taking control of everything."

"Got it," Corey said then turned to leave, "Come on Raven, leave her be, she needs some time to herself to think over everything."

"Fine," Raven growled in frustration. "But nyet long."

"You will stay away as long as I need you to be," Ashley frowned and he rolled his eyes but followed Corey out of the room.

She sighed and leaned back in the chair. She was so confused right now. She was still so angry about the past but they were trying their best to earn her forgiveness and trying to learn how to be parents. She had to give them credit for putting up with her anger and even making the effort to have Oma, her, and the girls live with them while she and Oma were recovering from their health issues. And that was another thing, they were still living in the dream house they created back after she graduated from high school. It just didn't make any sense. Any sane person would move out or destroy it after a relationship and yet they still stayed in it. She found it hard to believe that they didn't have relationships after they broke up with her but she never knew of a time Raven ever lied to her. He was always brutely honest with her whether it hurt her feelings or not. Of course he always felt bad when the truth upset her but he swore he would never lie to her and he had yet to do it so why start now?

She shook her head, she needed to focus on work, not think about all this right now. One thing at a time. She turned on her music, grabbed her headphones to help her focus and went back to work.

A few hours later she finished the quilt and opened the door to find Gabriel walking by. "Oh Gabriel," She said in shock because she was expecting to find the hall empty.

"Hey Trouble," Gabriel smiled, "What's up?"

"When you brought my work stuff over, did you by chance get some boxes so I can mail this back to the owner?" She asked holding up the quilt.

"Yes, I did," He said coming into the room, he opened the closet and came back a few seconds later. "Give me the quilt and address and I will go mail it for you."

"Thank you," She said as she headed over to her laptop. She printed off the label then handed it to him. "I will need the receipt so I can let them know the tracking number."

"Of fucking course," Gabriel nodded then smirked at her frown. "I am working on it."

Ashley sighed, "I know but still."

"You are just as bad when you are mad," He pointed out and she rolled her eyes.

"I haven't cussed in years and then all of you show up causing me to break my habit," She sighed, "but I've gotten ahold of it again."

"Well, I'll keep working on it," he said, "I'll go mail this right now and send you a picture of the receipt. I'll give it to Owen when I get back so he can put it in the records for you. Why don't you go relax since the girls are still sleeping?"

"That sounds good," She nodded. "Thank you again."

"No problem Trouble."

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